
May God never destroy the tavern of Sos and Sosa

لا خرب الله كرخ السوس والسوسا

1. May God never destroy the tavern of Sos and Sosa
Nor a day of gathering in the tavern of Sos frequented

١. لا خَرَّبَ اللَهُ كَرخَ السوسِ وَالسوسا
يَوماً وَلا مَجلِساً بِالسوسِ مَأنوسا

2. How I wish for a tavern in Karkh that would bring us together
Where we obey Iblis by drinking wine

٢. وَحَبَّذا حانَةٌ بِالكَرخِ تَجمَعُنا
نُطيعُ فيها بِشُربِ الخَمرِ إِبليسا

3. Relaxed, glowing, pure red wine
Freed by the landlord in Karkh for Fadus

٣. راحاً مُشَعشَعَةً حَمراءَ صافِيَةً
بِالكَرخِ عَتَّقَها الدُهقانُ فادوسا

4. The hypocrite of religion, his beards have grayed
People call him a priest and a reverend

٤. مُحالِفُ الدينِ قَد شابَت ذَوائِبُهُ
يَدعونَهُ الناسُ رِبّاناً وَقِسّيسا

5. Until when her flagons are arranged humbly
Red wine that takes away your worries and distress

٥. حَتّى إِذا ما صَفَت في دَنِّها بُزِلَت
حَمراءَ تُذهِبُ عَنكَ الهَمَّ وَالبوسا

6. I wrested it from the rosy-cheeked, well-balanced one
Who relates in his delight the tale of Balqis to people

٦. نازَعتُها واضِحَ الخَدَّينِ مُعتَدِلاً
يَحكي بِبَهجَتِهِ لِلناسِ بَلقيسا

7. A little beardless lad in his youth
Who has not been nurtured, by God, in Marw or Tus

٧. مُقَرطَقٍ خَرسَنوهُ في حَداثَتِهِ
لَم يُغذَ وَاللَهِ في مَروٍ وَلا طوسا