
Did you not see him sitting on the ruined abode

ألم تربع على الطلل الطماس

1. Did you not see him sitting on the ruined abode
Whose every desolate place the winds have smoothed?

١. أَلَم تَربَع عَلى الطَلَلِ الطِماسِ
عَفاهُ كُلُّ أَسحَمَ ذي اِرتِجاسِ

2. And the dusty soil clings to it accumulated,
The warp of fate and the woof of calamities.

٢. وَذاري التُربِ مِرتَكِمٌ حَصاهُ
نَسيجُ المَيثِ مِعنَقَةُ الدَهاسِ

3. Save some adobe bricks spared by the nights
From the darkness of night after it had gloomed,

٣. سِوى سُفعٍ أَعارَتها اللَيالي
سَوادَ اللَيلِ مِن بَعدِ اِغبِساسِ

4. And the companion of the abandoned abode growing
Like the plumage of a young bird from the nest removed.

٤. وَأَورَقَ حالِفَ المَثواةِ هابٍ
كَضاوِيِّ الفِراخِ مِنَ الهُلاسِ

5. Abodes from Ufayra or Sulayma,
Or Duhma, sister of the clan of Himaas.

٥. مَنازِلُ مِن عُفَيرَةَ أَو سُلَيمى
أَوِ الدَهماءِ أُختِ بَني الحِماسِ

6. As if the plaited locks upon it
Were the dark tresses of one sleeping in the tomb.

٦. كَأَنَّ مَعاقِدَ الأَوضاحِ مِنها
بِجيدِ أَغَنَّ نُوِّمَ في الكِناسِ

7. And it smiles with the most wondrous of smiles
As if, within it, is the flashing of a cheek finely groomed,

٧. وَتَبسِمُ عَن أَغَرَّ كَأَنَّ فيهِ
مُجاجَ سُلافَةٍ مِن بَيتِ راسِ

8. So who is there to convey to Amr a message
When you have reminded him of loves no more boom?

٨. فَمَن ذا مُبلِغٌ عَمرواً رَسولاً
فَقَد ذَكَّرتَ وُدَّكَ غَيرَ ناسِ

9. Not out of disdain have I deserted you, but
Misfortunes, from which we cannot hide nor flee,

٩. فَلَم أَهجُركَ هَجرَ قِلىً وَلَكِن
نَوائِبُ لا نَزالُ لَها نُقاسي

10. Misfortunes which baffle the literati,
And because of which the eloquent are struck dumb.

١٠. نَوائِبُ تَعجَزُ الأُدَباءُ عَنها
وَيَعيا دونَها اللَقِنُ النِطاسي

11. I have protected a people's reputation,
They who inherited the nobility of No'maan.

١١. وَقَد نافَحتُ عَن أَحسابِ قَومٍ
هُمُ وَرِثوا مَكارِمَ ذي نُواسِ

12. And if the fires of war are kindled,
I do not conceal my fear of war's harms.

١٢. فَإِن تَكُ أوقِدَت لِلحَربِ نارٌ
فَما غَطَّيتُ خَوفَ الحَربِ راسي

13. I will expend the best of what an orator expends
Whenever discourse is silenced by the sword.

١٣. سَأُبلي خَيرَ ما أَبلى مُحامٍ
إِذا ما النَبلُ أُلجِمَ بِالقِياسِ

14. And I have pierced the wailers with long spears -
With them I pierced the band of Abu Firas.

١٤. وَسَمتُ الوائِلينَ بِفاقِراتٍ
بِهِنَّ وَسَمتُ رَهطَ أَبي فِراسِ

15. Of the house of Ailan I left none remaining
Save those I left like the cuticles and fluff.

١٥. وَما أَبقَيتُ مِن عَيلانَ إِلّا
كَما أَبقى مِنَ البَظرِ المَواسي

16. And Kaheel said, and the clan of Qu'ain:
"Your tenderness! We are not people deserving of it."

١٦. وَقالَت كاهِلٌ وَبَنو قُعَينٍ
حَنانَكَ إِنَّنا لَسنا بِناسِ

17. So why do the sheep bleat insulting me
While in their bleating is the blood of plants?

١٧. فَما بالُ النِعاجِ ثَغَت بِشَتمي
وَفي زَمعاتِهِنَّ دَمُ الغِراسِ

18. And they have not protected the reputations
Save to elevate their names alongside Abu Nuwas.

١٨. وَما حامَت عَنِ الأَحسابِ إِلّا
لِتَرفَعَ ذِكرَها بِأَبي نُواسِ