
O Hashim, take my consent even if

أهاشم خذ مني رضاك وإن أتى

1. O Hashim, take my consent even if
My consent comes at the cost of myself, I shall not be blamed

١. أَهاشِمُ خُذ مِنّي رِضاكَ وَإِن أَتى
رِضاكَ عَلى نَفسي فَغَيرُ مَلومِ

2. I swear I never went beyond insulting my father
And my honor, and I never tore anything but my own garment

٢. فَأُقسِمُ ما جاوَزتُ بِالشَتمِ والِدي
وَعِرضي وَما مَزَّقتُ غَيرَ أَديمي

3. And I was only like one who exposed his flaw
In full view of eyes of both friend and foe

٣. وَلا كُنتُ إِلّا كَالَّذي كَشَفَ استَهُ
بِمَرأى عُيونٍ مِن عِدىً وَحَميمِ

4. So I sought refuge in the sanctuary of Hashim
A generous one I see him above every generous one

٤. فَعُذتُ بِحَقوَي هاشِمٍ فَأَجارَني
كَريمٌ أَراهُ فَوقَ كُلِّ كَريمِ

5. And indeed a man overlooks my like of slip
Even if in it a keen eye is hurt

٥. وَإِنَّ امرَأً أَغضى عَلى مِثلِ زَلَّتي
وَإِن جَرَحَت فيهِ لَعينُ حَليمِ

6. He rises above people until it is as though
They see through him a star before stars

٦. تَطاوَلَ فَوقَ الناسِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يَرَونَ بِهِ نَجماً أَمامَ نُجومِ

7. When lineages are distinguished one day by their people
I moor to a gentle, steadfast tribe

٧. إِذا امتازَتِ الأَحسابُ يَوماً بِأَهلِها
أَناخَ إِلى عادِيَّةٍ وَصَميمِ

8. To every crowned one, said to be
To it I repair, of Aamir and Tamim

٨. إِلى كُلِّ مَعصوبٍ بِهِ التاجُ مِقوَلٍ
إِلَيهِ أَتاوى عامِرٍ وَتَميمِ