
I reproach not, nor fear to die by the palm,

أعاذل لا أموت بكف ساق

1. I reproach not, nor fear to die by the palm,
Nor refuse obedience to Iraq's king.

١. أَعاذِلَ لا أَموتُ بِكَفِّ ساقِ
وَلا آبى عَلى مَلِكِ العِراقِ

2. I abandoned her from whom he banned me,
Though she was to me like the last water-skin.

٢. هَجَرتُ لَهُ الَّتي عَنها نَهاني
وَكانَت لي كَمُمسِكَةِ الرِماقِ

3. He may go at dawn to beg in the street,
And get pardon before the lane is filled.

٣. وَقَد يَغدو إِلى الحانوتِ زِقّي
فَيَأخُذُ عَفوَهُ قَبلَ الزُقاقِ

4. Whenever they moved to their camp,
Their chieftain marched ahead with the racers.

٤. وَكُنَّ إِذا نَزَعنَ إِلى مَداهُ
حَوى قُدّامَها قَصَبَ السِباقِ

5. The product of a polished Karm wood,
Lighting the night in the peopled porch,

٥. نَتيجَةُ مُزنَةٍ مِن عودِ كَرمٍ
تُضيءُ اللَيلَ مَضروبَ الرُواقِ

6. Of a hue so soft it almost disappears
Before my eye, and sweet to the taste,

٦. بِلَونٍ رَقَّ حَتّى كادَ يَخفى
عَلى عَيني وَطابَ عَلى المَذاقِ

7. There ran what her creation had sensed
When she passed the spittle of the disdainful.

٧. فَتَجري ما يُحَسُّ لَها حَسيسٌ
إِذا مَرَّت بِمُزدَرَدِ البُصاقِ

8. The days brought her to decay
Till her body failed, but the soul remains.

٨. أَتَت مِن دونِها الأَيّامُ حَتّى
تَعادَمَ جِسمُها وَالروحُ باقِ

9. I outdrank the blamers in drinking her
With the slender-waisted in the fine garments.

٩. سَبَقتُ بِشُربِها لَومَ الأَداني
مَعَ الوُصَفاءِ في السُلُبِ الرِقاقِ

10. I have a she-camel I push to the limit,
Milking for his love the water of the waterholes.

١٠. وَأَحوَرَ لا تُجاوِزُهُ الأَماني
حَلَبتُ لِوُدِّهِ ماءَ المَآقي

11. His eye beckoned me, beyond regret,
And told me when there would be a meeting.

١١. دَعَتني عَينُهُ دونَ النَدامى
وَآذَنَني مَتى مِنّا التَلاقي

12. I spend the night in the promise of union,
Yearning for it as for the pain of separation.

١٢. فَبِتُّ عَلى شَفا المَوعودِ أَلقى
جَوىً لِلِقائِهِ كَجَوى الفِراقِ

13. I have grown old, repenting of a grey hair,
While the caliph has granted me immunity from hostility.

١٣. فَأَصبَحتُ اِعتَجَرتُ عَلى مَشيبٍ
وَوَقَّرَني الخَليفَةُ عَن نِزاقي