
The events of time have made me forget

نسيتني حوادث الأيام

1. The events of time have made me forget
And diminished my interest in living

١. نَسِيَتني حَوادِثُ الأَيّامِ
وَصَفَت عيشَتي وَقَلَّ اِهتِمامي

2. I pass time in revelry and drink
And a gazelle that captivates souls when she inclines

٢. أَقطَعُ الدَهرَ بِالنَدامى الكِرامِ
وَرُكوبِ الهَوى وَشُربِ المُدامِ

3. Her ornaments of pilgrimage from him
I have enjoyed him in my vigils

٣. وَغَزالٍ يَسبي النُفوسَ إِذا هَت
تَكَ مِنهُ مَآزِرَ الإِحرامِ

4. And in a dream vision at night
I have embraced him and our night guard upon us

٤. قَد تَمَتَّعتُ مِنهُ في يَقَظاتي
وَبِطَيفِ الخَيالِ في الأَحلامِ

5. From him is a cover of darkness
My proud soul refused except

٥. وَتَبَطَّنتُهُ وَحارِسُنا اللَي
لُ عَلَينا مِنهُ لِحافُ ظَلامِ

6. To be content with everything forbidden
No matter when it is, for I have attained

٦. أَنِفَت نَفسِيَ العَزيزَةُ أَن تَق
نَعَ إِلّا بِكُلِّ شَيءٍ حَرامِ

7. From him pleasure like the cup of my dove

٧. ما أُبالي مَتى يَكونُ وَقَد قَض
ضَيتُ مِنهُ السُرورَ كَأسُ حِمامي