1. Serve the cup in daylight
And drink the aromatic wine
١. بادِرِ الكَأسَ نَهارا
وَاِشرَبِ الراحَ العُقارا
2. Pour it for me as freely as it pours
In measures of precise gauge
٢. وَاِسقِنيها مِثلَما تَش
رَبُها كَيلاً عِيارا
3. Jasmine-scented, exhaling musk
And telling of the wine-steward
٣. خَندَريساً تَنفَحُ المِس
كَ وَتَحكي الجُلَّنارا
4. If you add more water to it
It will only increase your tipsiness
٤. فَإِذا أَكثَرتَ فيها ال
ماءَ زادَتكَ خُمارا
5. Go ahead into pleasures, forward
And cast off all inhibitions
٥. فَاِمضِ في اللَذّاتِ قُدماً
وَاِخلَعَن فيها العِذارا
6. Make the garden your house
And make the village your home
٦. وَاِجعَلِ البُستانَ بَيتاً
وَاِجعَلِ القَريَةَ دارا
7. Set up a bathhouse in it
And get connected with the professionals
٧. وَأَطِر فيها حَماماً
وَاِرتَبِط فيها المَهارى
8. And when it's time for harvest
And you expect juice extraction
٨. وَإِذا كانَ قِطافٌ
وَتَوَقَّعتَ العُصارا
9. Cook the wine with the sun
For the sun is fire enough
٩. فَاِطبُخِ الراحَ بِشَمسٍ
فَكَفى بِالشَمسِ نارا