
Tell the one who ruled, then his father ruled before him

قل لمن ساد ثم ساد أبوه

1. Tell the one who ruled, then his father ruled before him
Then before that, his grandfather ruled

١. قُل لِمَن سادَ ثُمَّ سادَ أَبوهُ
قَبلَهُ ثُمَّ قَبلَ ذَلِكَ جَدُّه

2. And his grandfather's father ruled, going back
Until his lineage meets with Ma'add's

٢. وَأَبو جَدِّهِ فَسادَ إِلى أَن
يَتَلاقى نِزارُهُ وَمَعَدَّه

3. Then his forefathers back to the first one, from
Adam - no father or mother counts for him

٣. ثُمَّ آبائُهُ إِلى المُبتَدى مِن
آدَمَ لا أَبٌ وَأُمٌّ تَعُدَّه

4. O son of Buhabbah's pasturelands, slave of no god
Seeking help from one pleading - he wants it

٤. يا اِبنَ بُحبوحَةِ البِطاحِ عُبَيدَ ال
لاهِ غَوثاً مِن مُستَغيثٍ يَوَدَّه

5. So take my advice here and treasure
Me for words I excel at and take pride in

٥. فَاِهتَبِل عِندِيَ النَصيحَةَ وَاِذخَر
ني لِقَولٍ أُجيدُهُ وَأُجِدُّه

6. And ask me for more of your noble virtues
And glory that raised its glory to you

٦. وَاِستَزِدني إِلى مَكارِمِكَ الغُر
رِ وَمَجدٍ إِلَيكَ خَيَّمَ مَجدُه

7. An Abdarite, when attributed to Buhabbah
Ancient lineage, its warp and weft apparent

٧. عَبدَرِيٌّ إِذا اِنتَمى أَبطَحِيٌّ
تالِدٌ نَسجُهُ عَتيقٌ فِرِندُه