
He made me drink from his hands and eyes

سقاني من يديه ومقلتيه

1. He made me drink from his hands and eyes
Two draughts from matured wine

١. سَقاني مِن يَدَيهِ وَمُقلَتَيهِ
مِنَ الراحِ المُعَتَّقِ شَربَتَينِ

2. So I spent the night moaning from his drinks
Yearning, having been tested with two sorrows

٢. فَبِتُّ مُرَنَّحاً مِن شَربَتَيهِ
ضَريعاً قَد مُنيتُ بِكَربَتَينِ

3. A crescent moon is shining, a full moon is for nine
And two have passed after two

٣. هِلالٌ مُشرِقٌ بَدرٌ لِتِسعٍ
وَثالِثَةٍ مَضَت بَعدَ اِثنَتَينِ

4. He turns from the winebearer, daughter of seven
And one passed after two

٤. يُديرُ مِنَ المُدامَةِ بِنتَ سَبعٍ
وَواحِدَةٍ مَضَت بَعدَ اِثنَتَينِ

5. I say to him, though he dismissed the wine-pourers
Make it return and give us the two comforts

٥. أَقولُ لَهُ وَقَد طَرَدَت كَرانا
أَدِرها وَاِسقِنا بِالراحَتَينِ