1. With swaying head intoxicated, I reproved him,
And bade Lamees farewell, stern warrior's farewell.
١. وَمائِلِ الرَأسِ نَشوانٍ شَدَوتُ لَهُ
وَدِّع لَميسَ وَداعَ الصارِمِ اللاحي
2. He roused himself that he might understand me
And said, "Thou speakest well, though not eloquently."
٢. فَعالَجَ النَفسَ كَي يَحيا لِيَفهَمَهُ
وَقالَ أَحسَنتَ قَولاً غَيرَ إِفصاحِ
3. Scarce had he, or not at all, come to his senses,
While still his soul was in a sea of drunkenness tossing.
٣. فَكادَ أَو لَم يَكَد أَن يَستَفيقَ لَهُ
وَالنَفسُ في بَحرِ سُكرٍ عَبَّ طَفّاحِ
4. I said to my healer, "Tell me the cause, for many a gallant lad
Have I made senseless with the intoxication of pleasure."
٤. فَقُلتُ لِلعِلجِ عَلِّلني فَرُبَّ فَتىً
عَلَّلتُهُ فَاِنثَنى مِن نَشوَةِ الراحِ
5. Of the daughter of the vine whose chalice retains a fragrance
That tells him who has tasted it the smell of apples.
٥. مِن بِنتِ كَرمٍ لَها في الكَأسِ رائِحَةٌ
تَحكي لِمَن نالَ مِنها ريحَ تُفّاحِ
6. An old man doting on a damsel in the wantonness of youth
In the garb of a fair slave at play.
٦. نَفتَضُّ بِكراً عَجوزاً زانَها كِبَرٌ
في زِيِّ جارِيَةٍ في اللَهوِ مِلحاحِ
7. Till when the night spreads over the dawn its skirt,
Like one who shows his face from amid shadows,
٧. حَتّى إِذا اللَيلُ غَطّى الصُبحَ مِجوَلَهُ
كَمُطلِعٍ وَجهَهُ مِن بَينِ أَشباحِ
8. I roused my boon companions, faithful to their bond,
After outpourings from cups and flagons.
٨. نَبَّهتُ نَدمانِيَ الموفي بِذِمَّتِهِ
مِن بَعدِ إِتعابِ كاساتٍ وَأَقداحِ
9. And he said, "Give me to drink and drink thou, and sing to us,
O litter strawn with goblets and diches."
٩. فَقالَ هاتِ اِسقِني وَاِشرَب وَغَنِّ لَنا
يا دارَ شَعثاءَ بِالقاعَينِ فَالساحِ
10. No second time or part of a third
Did he awake ere he spun round and the punter sent to the pitcher.
١٠. فَما حَسا ثانِياً أَو بَعضَ ثالِثَةٍ
حَتّى اِستَدارَ وَرَدَّ الراحَ بِالراحِ