
May God bless Lot and his followers

صلى الإله على لوط وشيعته

1. May God bless Lot and his followers
Say Amen, O Abi Ubaidah

١. صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلى لوطٍ وَشيعَتِهِ
أَبا عُبَيدَةَ قُل بِاللَهِ آمينا

2. You are surely the last of them in my view
Since you reached puberty and are now past seventy

٢. فَأَنتَ عِندي بِلا شَكٍّ بَقِيَّتُهُم
مُنذُ اِحتَلَمتَ وَقَد جاوَزتَ سَبعينا