1. The fasting has passed and Eid has arrived with joy,
And the cup has revealed colors of salt.
١. وَلّى الصِيامُ وَجاءَ الفِطرُ بِالفَرَحِ
وَأَبدَتِ الكَأسُ أَلواناً مِنَ المُلَحِ
2. Revelry has visited you during its reign,
Renewing revelry between lute and cup.
٢. وَزارَكَ اللَهوُ في إِبّانِ دَولَتِهِ
مُجَدَّدَ اللَهوِ بَينَ العودِ وَالقَدَحِ
3. Only the voice of a skilled singer can be heard,
Renewing a voice for the entertainment.
٣. فَلَيسَ يُسمَعُ إِلّا صَوتُ غانِيَةٍ
مَجهودَةٍ جَدَّدَت صَوتاً لِمُقتَرَحِ
4. And wine has appeared in its dress of adornment,
So people are between drunk and sober.
٤. وَالخَمرُ قَد بَرَزَت في ثَوبِ زينَتِها
فَالناسُ ما بَينَ مَخمورٍ وَمُصطَبِحِ