1. I wonder at Harun the Imam, what is it that he loves and hopes for in you, O character of meanness?
With a nape behind a face that is prolonged as if it were the nape of an angel who alleviates worries with generosity.
١. عَجَبتُ لِهارونَ الإِمامَ وَما الَّذي
يُوَدُّ وَيَرجو فيكَ يا خِلقَةَ السِلقِ
2. I see Ja'far growing more miserly and stingy,
whenever the Merciful increases him in ample sustenance.
٢. قَفاً خَلفَ وَجهٍ قَد أُطيلَ كَأَنَّهُ
قَفا مالِكٍ يَقضي الهُمومَ عَلى ثَبقِ
3. And if it were not for Ja'far's miserliness, people would not consider him except a fool.
٣. أَرى جَعفَراً يَزدادُ بُخلاً وَدِقَّةً
إِذا زادَهُ الرَحمَنُ في سَعَةِ الرِزقِ
٤. وَلَو جاءَ غَيرُ البُخلِ مِن عِندِ جَعفَرٍ
لَما حَسِبَتهُ الناسُ إِلّا مِنَ الحُمقِ