
Watered for the blossoms, but not watered for hardships,

سقيا للبنى ولا سقيا لعانات

1. Watered for the blossoms, but not watered for hardships,
Watered for the grapevines of most delightful fruits,

١. سُقياً لِلُبنى وَلا سُقيا لِعاناتِ
سُقيا لِقَطرَبُّلٍ ذاتِ اللَذاذاتِ

2. Wherein are damsels of generosity who have left
Of them only those bashful maidens for the nights,

٢. وَإِنَّ فيها بَناتِ الكَرمِ ما تَرَكَت
مِنها اللَيالي سِوى تِلكَ الحُشاشاتِ

3. As if a teardrop in the eye of a singing girl
Made tender by the memory of misfortunes,

٣. كَأَنَّها دَمعَةٌ في عَينِ غانِيَةٍ
مَرهاءَ رَقرَقَها ذِكرُ المُصيباتِ

4. It flows when the temper is struck, as
Locusts flow at times of afternoon,

٤. تَنزو إِذا مَسَّها قَرعُ المِزاجِ كَما
تَنزو الجَنادِبُ أَوقاتَ الظَهيراتِ

5. And it puts on pearls of her kindness
At temper resembling the letter wāw.

٥. وَتَكتَسي لُؤلُؤاتٍ مِن تَعَطُّفِها
عِندَ المِزاجِ شَبيهاتٍ بِواواتِ