
Ill fortune caused my plans to go awry

أذاقني الصد سوء تدبيري

1. Ill fortune caused my plans to go awry
For I had aims beyond my destiny.

١. أَذاقَني الصَدَّ سوءُ تَدبيري
لِأَنَّ قَصدي بِغَيرِ تَقديري

2. Because I was a youth who liked to speak
Of wine that's pure and filled up to the brim-

٢. ذاكَ لِأَنّي فَتىً لَهِجتُ بِما
يَخلُصُ في خالِصِ القَواريرِ

3. In earthen jars from Khandaris it flowed,
Or stitched skin bags smeared with bitumen's glim.

٣. مِن خَندَريسٍ لِجامُها خَزَفٌ
وَثَوبُها المُستَكِنِّ مِن قيرِ

4. It shone as if with jewelry in the cup
Engraved with finest pictures on the rim,

٤. تُشرِقُ في الكَأسِ مِن تلأُلِئها
بِمُحكَماتٍ مِنَ التَصاويرِ

5. As when imagination's juggler makes
Play by music at nighttime clear and prim;

٥. كَأَنَّما لاعِبُ الخَيالِ إِذا
أَظلَمَ يَلهى بِنَغمَةِ الزيرِ

6. And the long-lashed eyes with kohl are daubed
Of smooth-cheeked boys, so clever and so slim.

٦. وَأَحوَرِ المُقلَتَينِ مُكتَحِلٍ
في فِتيَةٍ سادَةٍ نَحاريرِ

7. We sat in a pavilion with a view
Of trees whose apples smiled up to the limb,

٧. في مَجلِسٍ مُشرِفٍ عَلى شَجَرٍ
يَضحَكُ تُفّاحُهُ إِلى الخَيرِ

8. And birds lit on branches singing songs
To blend with chiming notes and voices slim.

٨. وَطائِرٍ واقِعٍ عَلى فَنَنٍ
تُسعِدُهُ ضَجَّةُ العَصافيرِ

9. Our day and night were happy, hour on hour,
Tapping the roof to time of tambourine,

٩. فَلَم نَزَل يَومَنا وَلَيلَتَنا
نَقراً عَلى السَطحِ بِالطَنابيرِ

10. Until the darkness we saw shrinking back,
The sun moved round the cupola's broad brim;

١٠. حَتّى رَأَينا السَوادَ مُنحَسِراً
وَدارَتِ الشَمسُ في المَقاصيرِ

11. And when the dawn came and our prayer was called,
We rose and prayed, no need for chanting hymn.

١١. وَحينَ حانَت صَلاتُنا لِضُحىً
قُمنا نُصَلّي بِغَيرِ تَكبيرِ