
I made him of spotted hide a fox

وأنمر الجلدة صيرته

1. I made him of spotted hide a fox
Among men, or a hyena, forsooth!

١. وَأَنمَرِ الجِلدَةِ صَيَّرتُهُ
في الناسِ زاغاً أَو شِقِرّاقا

2. Whenever he saw me, he avoided me,
As if made to swallow aloes in truth.

٢. إِذا رَآني صَدَّني جانِباً
كَأَنَّما جُرِّعَ غَسّاقا

3. And death tells not of its taste,
If you asked one who'd tasted it, forsooth.

٣. وَالمَوتُ لا يُخبِرُ عَن طَعمِهِ
إِن أَنتَ ساءَلتَ كَمَن ذاقا

4. I kept plying my whip above him
Until he cried out from below, in truth.

٤. ما زِلتُ أُجري كَلكَلي فَوقَهُ
حَتّى دَعا مِن تَحتِهِ قاقا

5. I was told of a wasp turned hornet just now,
Sprung from me, and I gained a whelp, forsooth.

٥. نُبِّئتُ زُنبوراً غَدا آنِفاً
مِنِّيَ وَاِستَصحَبتُ أَبّاقا

6. So I said, "Hold back some of your mockery,
For that which he met was no easy thing, in truth."

٦. فَقُلتُ كُفّوا بَعضَ سُخرِيَّكُم
فَلَيسَ بِالهَيِّنِ ما لاقى

7. He passed by el-Karkh, and the hand
Of blame had widened his face with slaps, in truth.

٧. مَرَّ عَلى الكَرخِ وَقَد أَوسَعَت
يَدُ الهِجاءِ الوَجهَ أَلياقا

8. Turning, he dragged behind him
Calamities you could see and misfortunes, forsooth.

٨. مُلتَفِتاً يَسحَبُ مِن خَلفِهِ
أَزِمَّةً تَترى وَأَرباقا

9. And I had gloated over your destined woe
A cloud that flashed with lightning, in truth.

٩. وَكُنتُ قَد شِمتُ لِمَحتومِكُم
سَحابَةً تَبرُقُ إِبراقا

10. But when I examined it closely I did not find
For its lightning that confirmation, in truth.

١٠. حَتّى إِذا اِستَجلَيتُها لَم أَجِد
لِبَرقِها ذَلِكَ مِصداقا

11. O two poets, share with me, for I
Have yearned for this day until now, in truth.

١١. يا شاعِرانِ اِشتَرِكا فِيَّ قَد
كُنتُ إِلى ذا اليَومِ مُشتاقا

12. You have not gladdened me with your satires,
Is this from stinginess or self-restraint, in truth?

١٢. لَم تُسعِداني بِهِجائِكُما
أَكُلُّ ذا بُخلاً وَإِشفاقا

13. You left me though you saw me aroused
To the point of utter confusion, in truth.

١٣. تَتارَكا أَن رَأَياني إِلى
ما هَيَّجا أَغلَبَ مِعناقا

14. So win from him who claims this and that
Necklaces to last and shackles, forsooth!

١٤. فَاِكتَسَبا مَن يَدَّعي ذا وَذا
قَلائِداً تَبقى وَأَطواقا