
Do not befriend one who is ascetic, though he may wear ascetic garb,

لا تصحبن أخا نسك وإن نسكا

1. Do not befriend one who is ascetic, though he may wear ascetic garb,
And if you fight, then fight like a warrior against your foe.

١. لا تَصحَبَنَّ أَخا نُسكٍ وَإِن نَسَكا
وَإِن فَتَكتَ فَكُن حَرباً لِمَن فَتَكا

2. A youth serving me drink, I said "My life is yours," he just smiled.
So with my eyes I thanked him, he bashfully turned from me and laughed.

٢. وَناعِمٍ قامَ يَسقيني فَقُلتُ لَهُ
نَفسي الفِداءُ لِمَن هَذا فَقالَ لَكا

3. I said it not meaning it, only to embarrass him,
Had I repeated it, he would have wept.

٣. فَقُلتُ بِالشُكرِ مِن عَينَيكَ آخُذُهُ
فَصَدَّ مِن خَجَلٍ مِنّي وَما ضَحِكا

4. A noble girl we bought for a dirham,
From the womb of a blackened, branded Abyssinian, not freeborn.

٤. ما قُلتِ ما قُلتُهُ إِلّا لِأُخجِلَهُ
وَلَو أَعَدتُ عَلَيهِ مِثلَهُ لَبَكى

5. Her stumps for hands are like severed limbs,
Expecting neither firewood nor work from them.

٥. وَبِنتِ كَرمٍ سَفَكناها بِدِرهَمِنا
مِن بَطنِ أَسحَمَ مُسوَدٍّ وَما سُفِكا

6. When mixed with water and blended,
The blending produced for her a pearl necklace.

٦. كَأَنَّ أَكرُعَهُ أَيدٍ مُقَطَّعَةٌ
لا يَرتَجي قَوَداً مِنها وَلا دَرَكا

٧. حَتّى إِذا مُزِجَت بِالماءِ وَاِختَلَطَت
حاكَ المِزاجُ لَها مِن لُؤلُؤٍ فَلَكا