
I am clad in a fine blue robe,

قد أغتدي بزرق جراز

1. I am clad in a fine blue robe,
Delicate, finely woven and designed,

١. قَد أَغتَدي بِزُرَّقٍ جُرازِ
مَحضٍ رَقيقِ الزَفِّ وَالطِرازِ

2. Dyed by Na'aman the sleepless,
Our livelihood is hunting and trapping,

٢. دُبِّقَ مِن نَعمانِ سَهرَدازٍ
تَصيدُنا رِزقاً وَدَستَخازِ

3. Adorning the hand of the bearer and the glover,
So many expert archers,

٣. زَينُ يَدِ الحامِلِ وَالقُفّازِ
فَكَم وَكَم مِن طوَّلٍ جَمّازِ

4. Daring, nicknamed Father of Arrows,
Brief in expression, concise in composition,

٤. مُغامِرٍ يُكنى أَبا كَزّازِ
جَمِّ الوِقاعِ موجَزِ الإيجازِ

5. He has long dwelt in fortresses,
Suspending it on the musk bags,

٥. قَد طالَما أَوطَنَ بِالأَحرازِ
عُلِّقَهُ بِالجَدجَدِ البَرازِ

6. A task leading the train of camels
With bags of charitable offerings,

٦. مَشقاً يَقُدُّ ثَبَجَ الأَجوازِ
بِحَجَناتِ صَدقَةِ التَوخازِ

7. Like the handicrafts of a skilled artisan,
Shading them without any fringes,

٧. مِثلَ أَشافي الصَنِعِ الخَرّازِ
يَعتامُها فَرداً بِلا جِلوازِ

8. The son of Baz has accomplished and the work of Baz is done,
What a good friend at the time of need!

٨. قَدَّ اِبنَ بازٍ وَصَنيعَ بازِ
نِعمَ الخَليلُ ساعَةَ الإِعوازِ