1. I lament a rooster from the roosters of India
More beautiful than the peacock of Mahdi's palace
١. أَنعَتُ ديكاً مِن دُيوكِ الهِندِ
أَحسَنَ مِن طاوُوسِ قَصرِ المَهدي
2. Bolder than the lion in his den
You see the chickens around him like soldiers
٢. أَشجَعَ مِن عادي عَرينَ الأُسدِ
تَرى الدَجاجَ حَولَهُ كَالجُندِ
3. Cowering from him in fear of the hawk
He has a crow like rumbling thunder
٣. يُقعينَ مِنهُ خيفَةً لِلسَفدِ
لَهُ سِقاعٌ كَدَوِيِّ الرَعدِ
4. His beak like a sharpened chisel
He defeats whatever he pecks with his beak
٤. مِنقارُهُ كَالمِعوَلِ المُحَدِّ
يَقهَرُ ما ناقَرَهُ بِالنَقدِ
5. His eyes in his head and cheeks
With a comb and neck like a rose
٥. عَيناهُ مِنهُ في القَفا وَالخَدِّ
ذو هامَةٍ وَعُنُقٍ كَالوَردِ
6. And skin resembling snowy fur
Its surface intense glowing heat
٦. وَجِلدَةٍ تُشبِهُ وَشيَ البُردِ
ظاهِرُها زِفٌّ شَديدُ الوَقدِ
7. As if he were the billy goat among goats
Perfectly formed, noble lineage
٧. كَأَنَّهُ الهُدّابُ في الفِرِندِ
مُضَمَّرُ الخَلقِ عَميمُ القَدِّ
8. Proportionately upright with erect posture
Arched back, generous lineage
٨. لَهُ اِعتِدالٌ وَاِنتِصابُ قَدٍّ
مَحودَبِ الظَهرِ كَريمُ الجَدِّ
9. Strong legs for leaping
Then two spurs after
٩. مُفَحَّجُ الرِجلَينِ عِندَ النَجدِ
ثَمَّ وَظيفانِ لَهُ مِن بَعدِ
10. Sharp points endowed to him
As if two weapons at his side for protection
١٠. وَشَوكَتانِ خُصَّتا بِالحَدِّ
كَأَنَّما كَفّاهُ عِندَ الوَخدِ
11. His gait like fading musk
So the horn constantly mediates disputes
١١. في خَطوِهِ كَالمِسَكِ المُرتَدِّ
فَالقِرنُ دَوماً عِندَهُ يُعَدّي
12. How many birds will he fell and how many more will he fell
With stomping, jumping and slapping his skin
١٢. كَم طائِرٍ أَردى وَكَم سَيُردي
بِالجَمزِ وَالقَفزِ وَصَفقِ الجِلدِ
13. Testing him with danger whichever way
As the weaver throws the shuttle
١٣. كَدّا لَهُ بِالخَطرِ أَيُّ كَدِّ
كَما يُسَدّي الحائِكُ المُسَدِّ
14. If the rooster stops he flexes intensely
And leaps like a jumping leopard
١٤. إِن وَقَفَ الديكُ ثَنى بِالشَدِّ
وَالوَثبُ مِنهُ مِثلَ وَثبَ الفَهدِ
15. He has no match, no equal
So praise be to God, Master of Praise
١٥. لَيسَ لَهُ مِن غَلَبٍ مِن بُدٍّ
فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ وَلِيُّ الحَمدِ