
I awoke in the morning with Iblis as my adversary

نمت إلى الصبح وإبليس لي

1. I awoke in the morning with Iblis as my adversary
In everything that makes me sinful, he is my opponent

١. نُمتُ إِلى الصُبحِ وَإِبليسُ لي
في كُلِّ ما يُؤثِمُني خَصمُ

2. I saw him haughtily floating in the air
Then a star followed him and he fell under the barrage

٢. رَأَيتُهُ في الجَوِّ مُستَعلِياً
ثُمَّ هَوى يَتبَعُهُ نَجمُ

3. He wanted to eavesdrop, but could not
When the pelting brought him down

٣. أَرادَ لِلسَمعِ استِراقاً فَما
عَتَّمَ أَن أَهبَطَهُ الرَجمُ

4. He said to me, when he fell, greetings
To a penitent whose repentance is pretense

٤. فَقالَ لي لَمّا هَوى مَرحَباً
بِتائِبٍ تَوبَتُهُ وَهمُ

5. Do you want a smooth-cheeked maiden
With a chest that arches over her breasts?

٥. هَل لَكَ في عَذراءَ مَمكورَةٍ
يَزينُها صَدرٌ لَها فَخمُ

6. A black camel is mounted on her back
Its color mimics dried grapes

٦. وَوارِدٌ جَثلٌ عَلى مَتنِها
أَسوَدُ يَحكي لَونَهُ الكَرمُ

7. I said no. He said: a beardless boy
With a double chin overflowing with charm

٧. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ فَتىً أَمرَدٌ
يَرتَجُّ مِنهُ كَفَلٌ فَعمُ

8. He is like a maiden in her tent
Though he has no grace or rhyme

٨. كَأَنَّهُ عَذراءُ في خِدرِها
وَلَيسَ في لَبَّتِهِ نَظمُ

9. I said no. He said: a boy with a lovely voice
Skillful in melodies and tunes

٩. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ فَتىً مُسمَعٌ
يُحسِنُ مِنهُ النَقرُ وَالنَغمُ

10. I said no. He said: then everything
That resembles what I told you, be prudent about

١٠. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ فَفي كُلِّ ما
شابَهَ ما قُلتُ لَكَ الحَزمُ

11. I do not despair that you will return
Despite you, O damned one

١١. ما أَنا بِالآيِسِ مِن عَودَةٍ
مِنكَ عَلى رَغمِكَ يا فَدمُ

12. I am not to be fooled if you do not come back
For this is not of your usual deceit

١٢. لَستُ أَبا مُرَّةَ إِن لَم تَعُد
فَغَيرُ ذا مِن فِعلِكَ الغَشمُ