
I have been wounded by you in ways no water can heal,

غصصت منك بما لا يدفع الماء

1. I have been wounded by you in ways no water can heal,
And your abandonment of me became a festering disease.

١. غُصِصتُ مِنكَ بِما لا يَدفَعُ الماءُ
وَصَحَّ هَجرُكَ حَتّى ما بِهِ داءُ

2. It would have sufficed, had you decided
To shun me with a gesture - that would have been enough.

٢. قَد كانَ يَكفيكُمُ إِن كانَ عَزمُكُمُ
أَن تَهجُروني مِنَ التَصريحِ إيماءُ

3. Yet I have not forgotten who commanded this
Of the talebearers, though my mouth holds water.

٣. وَما نَسيتُ مَكانَ الآمِرينَ بِذا
مِنَ الوُشاةِ وَلَكِن في فَمي ماءُ

4. I kept on hearing until I became like one
Whose time had come while people still lived.

٤. ما زِلتُ أَسمَعُ حَتّى صِرتُ ذاكَ بِمَن
قامَت قِيامَتُهُ وَالناسُ أَحياءُ

5. Once I had a name, but now I am known
By the torments I endure in loving you.

٥. قَد كُنتُ ذا اِسمٍ فَقَد أَصبَحتُ يُعرَفُ لي
مِمّا أُكابِدُ في حُبَّيكِ أَسماءُ