
Forget the abode you drew and the heights,

انس رسم الديار ثم الطلولا

1. Forget the abode you drew and the heights,
And abandon this land you tread and home.

١. اِنسَ رَسمَ الدِيارِ ثُمَّ الطُلولا
وَاِهجُرِ الرَبعَ دارِساً وَمَحيلا

2. Have you seen an abode answer back,
Or respond to one questioning and pleading?

٢. هَل رَأَيتَ الدِيارَ رَدَّت جَواباً
وَأَجابَت لِذي سُؤالٍ سُؤولا

3. Drink it as if it were a rooster's eye
Whose taste dispels sorrow and dissolves pain.

٣. وَاِشرَبَنها كَأَنَّها عَينُ ديكٍ
يَطرُدُ الهَمَّ طَعمُها وَالغَليلا

4. When it seeped into my veins
Sorrow quickly bid farewell to my heart.

٤. هِيَ إِذ ما تَغَلغَلَت في عُروقي
عَجَّلَ الهَمُّ عَن فُؤادي الرَحيلا

5. With an aiding, unfailing drinking mate
Wherever you inclined, he inclined with you.

٥. وَنَديمٍ مُساعِدٍ غَيرِ نِكسِ
حَيثُما مِلتَ مالَ مَعكَ مَميلا

6. It wore him out with pure wine,
Till it dripped down his brow soothingly.

٦. رَنَّحَتهُ الكُؤوسُ بِالصِرفِ حَتّى
خَرَّ مِنها عَلى الجَبينِ تَليلا

7. I said, as the break of dawn appeared,
Piercing the dark night's veil:

٧. قُلتُ لَمّا بَدَت تَباشيرُ صُبحٍ
هَتَكَت في دُجى الظَلامِ الذُيولا

8. He complained of the wine's intensity upon him
And leaned back to take just a little.

٨. فَشَكا شِدَّةَ الخُمارِ عَلَي
هِ وَتَلَكَّأَ لِأَخذِ كَأسٍ قَليلا

9. I said: rouse yourself to spare me from all ills
And face the morn embraced.

٩. قُم بِنَفسي أَقيكَ مِن كُلِّ سوءٍ
فَاِصطَبِحها مُدامَةً مَشمولا

10. He said: take it so complaint may cease
And by it the wine's life comes to an end.

١٠. قُلتُ خُذها لِكَي يَزولَ التَشَكّي
فَبِها يُصبِحُ الخُمارُ قَتيلا

11. He sat upright and held out a palm
That never stopped serving palms.

١١. فَاِستَوى قاعِداً وَأَبرَزَ كَفّاً
لَم تَزَل راحُها لِراحٍ حَمولا

12. And he sang thrice of the wine,
Chiding the eye for weeping at past heights.

١٢. وَتَغَنّى عَلى المُدامِ ثَلاثاً
أُزجُرِ العَينَ أَن تُبَكّي الطُلولا