1. I drank wine at dawn, clear as a rooster's eye,
As the star of night fluttered as if about to set.
١. وَخَمرٍ كَعَينِ الديكِ صَبَّحتُ سِحرَةً
وَقَد هَمَّ نَجمُ اللَيلِ بِالخَفَقانِ
2. I summoned the tavern keeper and he hastened
To bring a selection of jugs and flasks.
٢. نَدَبتُ لَها الخَمّارَ فَانصاعَ مُسرِعاً
إِلى عِدَّةٍ مِن حَنتَمٍ وَدِنانِ
3. His bible is the jug; he's well versed
In giving out drinks and taking payment.
٣. دِراسَتُهُ الإِنجيلُ حَولَ دِنانِهِ
بَصيرٌ بِبَذلِ الدِنِّ وَالكَيَلانِ
4. He shoved the flasks in on either side of him
By God, what a sight those flasks made!
٤. فَوَدَّجَها مِن جانِبَيها كِلَيهُما
فَلِلَّهِ ماذا أَبرَزَ الوَدَجانِ
5. An ancient skin not worn down by years
Sporting two spouts since it was first stitched.
٥. سُخامِيَّةٌ لَم يَقطَعِ السِنُّ مَتنَها
لَها مُذ ثَوَت في دَنِّها سَنَتانِ
6. The cup in the barman's hand is like
A planet resting in the grip of fate.
٦. تَرى الكَأسَ في كَفِّ المُديرِ كَأَنَّها
عَلى راحَتَيهِ كَوكَبُ الدَبَرانِ
7. When the cupbearer splashes it with water, you see it
Crowned at the top with a ring of foam.
٧. إِذا شَجَّها الساقي بِماءٍ رَأَيتَها
مُكَلَّلَةَ الأُعلى بِطَوقِ جُمانِ
8. The cupbearer turned it with practiced flicks
Of his wrist and fingers.
٨. وَقَد دارَ ساقيها بِها ذا قُراطِقٍ
تُناطُ بِأَعلى ساعِدٍ وَبَنانِ
9. It takes on some of his colour
And both their hues on his cheek flow as one.
٩. فَيَأخُذُ مِنها لَونُهُ بَعضَ لَونِها
فَلَوناهُما في الخَدِّ يَطَّرِدانِ