
To a tavern-keeper at night I came,

وخمار حططت إليه ليلا

1. To a tavern-keeper at night I came,
Bearing garments that long exile wore;

١. وَخَمّارٍ حَطَطتُ إِلَيهِ لَيلاً
قَلائِصَ قَد وُنينَ مِنَ السِفارِ

2. He peered and stared as one in stupor lost,
Like wine-befogged remembering days of yore;

٢. فَجَمجَمَ وَالكَرى في مِقلَتَيهِ
كَمَخمورٍ شَكا أَلَمَ الخُمارِ

3. "Pray tell me how thou cam'st to invade
My house," he said, "when night's star glittered frore?"

٣. أَبِن لي كَيفَ صِرتَ إِلى حَريمي
وَنَجمُ اللَيلِ مُكتَحِلٌ بِقارِ

4. I said: "Be mild! the morn I did but see
Break through thy mansion's every crannied door."

٤. فَقُلتُ لَهُ تَرَفَّق بي فَإِنّي
رَأَيتُ الصُبحَ مِن خَلَلِ الدِيارِ

5. "Morn!" quoth he, "no such morn I ever knew;
Only the wine-house lamp's uncurtained glow."

٥. فَكانَ جَوابُهُ أَن قالَ صُبحٌ
وَلا صُبحٌ سِوى ضَوءُ العُقارِ

6. Then to the wine-jar he made his way,
Sealed fast his lips, till night resumed its sway.

٦. وَقامَ إِلى العُقارِ فَسَدَّ فاها
فَعادَ اللَيلُ مُسوَدَّ الإِزارِ

7. Whereat his ringlets in the cup's abyss
Plunged slowly, clinging to its figured sides,

٧. فَحَلَّ بِزالُها في قَعرِ كَأسٍ
مُحَفَّرَةِ الجَوانِبِ وَالقَرارِ

8. As at the margins crept the gurgling wine,
Where Kisras unto sculptured conquest rides.

٨. مُصَوَّرَةً بِصورَةِ جُندِ كِسرى
وَكِسرى في قَرارِ الطَرجَهارِ

9. O'er Kisra's legions tramples he, but still
Beneath his horse-hoofs crouch the prostrate ranks:

٩. وَجُلُّ الجُندِ تَحتَ رِكابِ كِسرى
بِأَعمِدَةٍ وَأَقبِيَةٍ قِصارِ