1. O youth who desires concealment of a matter causing him anguish,
Do you think that aloofness from me was defiance or bashfulness?
١. يا غُلاماً يَوَدُّ كِت
مانَ أَمرٍ لَهُ فَشا
2. We have seen your expertise in barely perceptible intimate discourse,
And your companionship in softness when you fear harshness.
٢. أَتَرى أَنَّ ما بِنا
صَمَمٌ عَنكَ أَو عَشا
3. Words that in their phrasing are either gentle or embellished,
Tell me, may I ransom you, O my soul, O emulator of sprinkling.
٣. قَد رَأَينا اِختِصاصَ طَر
فِكَ بِاللَمحِ خَنبَشا
4. Why do you choose companions, powerless, blind and deaf?
Do you not restrain yourself from the wrong, in the path of the misguided one who walked
٤. وَتُواليكَ بِالرِقا
عِ إِذا خِفتَ مِن وَشا
5. And found censure lost, so he pastured on it and became cautious?
Then he twisted his beard, stretching from it and shaking off.
٥. حاكِياتٍ بِلَفظِها
عُروَةً أَو مُرَقَّشا
6. So if you see him while the scruff is recalcitrant,
You’d say a shepherd filled up then went to herd rams.
٦. خَبِّرَنّي فَدَتكَ نَف
سي أَيا مُشبِهَ الرَشا
٧. لِمَ تَختارُ أُنوكاً
خامِلَ القَدرِ أَعمَشا
٨. أَوَما تَرعَوي عَنِ ال
غَيِّ في شَرِّ مَن مَشى
٩. وَجَدَ اللَومَ ضائِعاً
فَرَعى فيهِ وَاِختَشى
١٠. ثُمَّ أَلوى بِلِحيَةٍ
مَدَّ مِنها وَنَفَّشا
١١. فَإِذا ما رَأَيتَهُ
وَهوَ مُستَفحِلُ الحَشا
١٢. قُلتَ راعٍ مُمَلأً
راحَ يَستاقُ أَكبُشا