
Leave the gardens of roses and apples,

دع البساتين من ورد وتفاح

1. Leave the gardens of roses and apples,
And turn your gift to the great scholars,

١. دَعِ البَساتينَ مِن وَردٍ وَتُفّاحِ
وَاِعدِل هُديتَ إِلى ذاتِ الأُكَيراحِ

2. Turn to the people whose forms are worn down
From worship, except the radiance of their spirits,

٢. اِعدِل إِلى نَفَرٍ دَقَّت شُخوصُهُمُ
مِنَ العِبادَةِ إِلّا نِضوَ أَشباحِ

3. They repeat polished bells
Upon the Psalms, morning and evening,

٣. يُكَرِّرونَ نَواقيساً مُرَجَّعَةً
عَلى الزَبورِ بِإِمساءٍ وَإِصباحِ

4. Keep your hearing away from any voice you dislike,
Then you won't hear in it the voice of a peasant,

٤. تَنأى بِسَمعِكَ عَن صَوتٍ تَكَرَّهُهُ
فَلَستَ تَسمَعُ فيهِ صَوتَ فَلّاحِ

5. Only studying the Gospels of the books,
Mentioning Christ with eloquence and clarity,

٥. إِلّا الدِراسَةَ لِلإِنجيلِ مِن كُتُبٍ
ذِكرَ المَسيحِ بِإِبلاجٍ وَإِفصاحِ

6. O you, their perfume, and matured spirit, their gift
Is adorned with all kinds of silver trays clattering,

٦. يا طيبَهُم وَعَتيقُ الراحِ تُحفَتُهُم
بِكُلِّ نَوعٍ مِنَ الطاساتِ رَحراحِ

7. It is served to you by the slender-waisted one, with elegance,
A brother of cloaks of wool above beauty marks.

٧. يَسقيكَها مُدمَجُ الخَصرَينِ ذو هَيَفٍ
أَخو مَدارِعِ صوفٍ فَوقَ أَمساحِ