
Two companions were made for this union

إلفان كانا لهذا الوصل قد خلقا

1. Two companions were made for this union
Long may it last, long may love unite them

١. إِلفانِ كانا لِهَذا الوَصلِ قَد خُلِقا
داما عَلَيهِ وَدامَ الحُبُّ فَاِتَّفَقا

2. They were like two branches on one tree
Time's harm and the days' change split them

٢. كانا كَغُصنَينِ في ساقٍ فَشانَهُما
رَيبُ الزَمانِ وَصَرفُ الدَهرِ فَاِنفَلَقا

3. A sapling of theirs yellowed after greenness
Separation stripped leaves off its boughs

٣. وَاِصفَرَّ عودٌ لَها مِن بَعدِ خُضرَتِهِ
وَأَسقَطَ البَينُ عَن أَغصانِهِ الوَرَقا

4. Their eyes kept sleepless, vigil for separation
And for parting - had it not been for parting, they'd not parted

٤. باتَت عُيونُهُما لِلبَينِ ساهِرَةً
وَلِلفِراقِ وَلَولا البَينُ ما اِفتَرَقا