1. Do not pass by the ruins of the abodes
And give me to drink the delicate wine
١. لا تُعَرِّج بِدارِسِ الأَطلالِ
وَاِسقِنيها رَقيقَةَ السِربالِ
2. Their masters have died and their villages are lost
And time has clad them in the garb of separation
٢. ماتَ أَربابُها وَبادَت قُراها
وَبَراها الزَمانُ بَريَ الخِلالِ
3. So it is a virgin as if it were everything
Good, pleasant, delicious, shady
٣. فَهيَ بِكرٌ كَأَنَّها كُلُّ شَيءٍ
حَسَنٍ طَيِّبٍ لَذيذٍ زُلالِ
4. Freed in the vats until it gained
The light of the morning sun and the coolness of shade
٤. عُتِّقَت في الدِنانِ حَتّى اِستَفادَت
نورَ شَمسِ الضُحى وَبَردَ الظِلالِ
5. And by the life of wine, if you said about it
That in it is a place for speech
٥. وَلِعَمرُ المُدامِ إِن قُلتَ فيها
إِنَّ فيها لَمَوضِعاً لِلمَقالِ