1. In the monastery of Bahram there is for me a sitting place,
And a playground amidst its gardens.
١. بِدَيرِ بَهرَذانَ لي مَجلِسٌ
وَمَلعَبٌ وَسطَ بَساتينِهِ
2. I went there with some youths,
To visit it on a day of cheerfulness.
٢. رُحتُ إِلَيهِ وَمَعي فِتيَةٌ
نَزورُهُ يَومَ سَعانينِهِ
3. With every debauched lover,
Who preferred the world over his religion.
٣. بِكُلِّ طَلّابِ الهَوى فاتِكٍ
قَد آثَرَ الدُنيا عَلى دينِهِ
4. Until we arrived at a sitting place,
Where the colors of its flowers smile.
٤. حَتّى تَوافَينا إِلى مَجلِسٍ
تَضحَكُ أَلوانُ رَياحينِهِ
5. The pale narcissus next to its rose,
While the rose is wrapped in myrtle.
٥. وَالنَرجِسُ الغَضُّ لَدى وَردَهُ
وَالوَردُ قَد حُفَّ بِنِسرينِهِ
6. The wine-filled flask was brought on high,
With the seal-ring upon its clay.
٦. وَجيءَ بِالدَنِّ عَلى مَرفَعٍ
وَخاتَمُ العِلجِ عَلى طينِهِ
7. The kohl was extracted from our wine,
So it yielded to the redness of its dye.
٧. وَافتُصِدَ الأَكحَلُ مِن دَنِّنا
فَانصاعَ في حُمرَةِ تَلوينِهِ
8. A saqi passed the cup amongst us,
Caressing it by his soft palm.
٨. وَطافَ بِالكَأسِ لَنا شادِنٌ
يُدميهِ مَسُّ الكَفِّ مِن لينِهِ
9. The radiance of his cheeks is such,
That sights are stolen away through it.
٩. يَكادُ مِن إِشراقِ خَدَّيهِ أَن
تُختَطَفَ الأَبصارُ مِن دونِهِ
10. We did not stop drinking and amusing ourselves with it,
And taking sips between its verses.
١٠. فَلَم نَزَل نُسقى وَنَلهو بِهِ
وَنَأخُذُ القَصفَ بِآيِينِهِ
11. Until the drunkard from his tipsiness,
Became like a corpse during parts of it.
١١. حَتّى غَدا السَكرانُ مِن سُكرِهِ
كَالمَيتِ في بَعضِ أَحايِينِهِ