
I praise Allah who settled me in the abode of disgrace

أحمد الله الذي أسكننى

1. I praise Allah who settled me in the abode of disgrace
And estranged me from all those I loved even my own tongue

١. أَحمَدُ اللَهَ الَّذي أَس
كَنَني دارَ الهَوانِ

2. Let none who see me after me testify to affection
He who thinks well of people, what thought of me undid him

٢. وَجَفاني كُلُّ مَن أَم
مَلتُهُ حَتّى لِساني

3. I had a bosom friend on whom I pinned great expectations
His spirit my spirit but our bodies not the same

٣. لا يُدِلَّنَّ عَلى الإِخ
وانِ بَعدي مَن رَآني

4. His concerns my concerns and mine his in everything
He neither disobeyed me nor I him, enough has tried me

٤. مَن أَجادَ الظَنَّ بِالنا
سِ دَهاهُ ما دَهاني

5. Then when the vicissitudes of time made sport of me
He shunned professing friendship, so I masked my meanings

٥. كانَ لي إِلفٌ أُرَجّي
هِ لِرَيبِ الحَدَثانِ

6. Verily in subtle hints to the wise are found explanations

٦. روحُهُ روحي وَلَكِن
يَحتَوينا جَسَدانِ

٧. هَمُّهُ هَمّي وَهَمّي
هَمُّهُ في كُلِّ شانِ

٨. لَيسَ يَعصيني وَلا أَع
صيهِ ما قالَ كَفاني

٩. فَجَفاني حينَ باهَي
تُ بِهِ رَيبَ الزَمانِ

١٠. تَرَكَ التَصريحَ بِالهَج
رِ فَقَرطَستُ المَعاني

١١. إِنَّ في التَعريضِ لِلعا
قِلِ تَفسيرَ البَيانِ