
Don't blame me for my companion in wine,

ألا لا تلمني في العقار جليسي

1. Don't blame me for my companion in wine,
Nor frown at me for drinking it.

١. أَلا لا تَلُمني في العُقارِ جَليسي
وَلا تَلحَني في شُربِها بِعُبوسِ

2. The Merciful has granted me affection
Towards it, and towards friends seated with me.

٢. لَقَد بَسَطَ الرَحمَنُ مِنّي مَوَدَّةً
إِلَيها وَمِن قَومٍ لَدَيَّ جُلوسِ

3. My heart fell in love with it, so its love
Became dearer to me than all precious things.

٣. تَعَشَّقَها قَلبي فَبَغَّضَ عِشقُها
إِلَيَّ مِنَ الأَموالِ كُلَّ نَفيسِ

4. I became mad for a girl not strong,
Whose wine is fiercely bright in crystal.

٤. جُنُنتُ عَلى عَذراءَ غَيرِ قَوِيَّةٍ
شَديدَةِ بَطشٍ في الزُجاجِ شَموسِ

5. You see her cup at the blending
As if she had scattered on it a bride's jewelry.

٥. تَرى كَأسَها عِندَ المِزاجِ كَأَنَّها
نَثَرتَ عَلَيها حَليَ رَأسٍ عَروسِ

6. So it removes the veils of conscience through intoxication
And reveals every secret captive.

٦. فَتَهتِكُ أَستارَ الضَميرِ مِنَ الحَشا
وَتُبدي مِنَ الأَسرارِ كُلَّ حَبيسِ