
O rider coming from Thahmad,

يا راكبا أقبل من ثهمد

1. O rider coming from Thahmad,
How did you leave the camels and sheep,

١. يا راكِباً أَقبَلَ مِن ثَهمَدٍ
كَيفَ تَرَكتَ الإِبلَ وَالشاءَ

2. And how did you abandon at Qa’nab,
Where you see the sleep and shelter?

٢. وَكَيفَ خَلَّفتَ لَدى قَعنَبٍ
حَيثُ تَرى التَنَّوُمَ وَالآءَ

3. Abu Khalid came from the desert,
And did not cease to yearn in Egypt,

٣. جاءَ مِنَ البَدوِ أَبو خالِدٍ
وَلَم يَزَل بِالمِصرِ تَنّاءَ

4. Abu Khalid knows nothing for fire,
Except its name among people as names.

٤. يَعرِفُ لِلنارِ أَبو خالِدٍ
سِوى اِسمَها في الناسِ أَسماءَ

5. When he calls upon a friend enthusiastically,
And follows the call enthusiastically with a call,

٥. إِذا دَعا الصاحِبَ يَهيا بِهِ
وَيُتبِعُ اليَهياءَ يَهياءَ

6. If you were a delicious fruit,
You would be the ripest for your sweetness.

٦. لَو كُنتَ مِن فاكِهَةٍ تُشتَهى
لِطيبِها كُنتَ الغُبَيراءَ

7. Do not pass my throat to my inside,
Until you feel the water below it.

٧. لا تَعبُرُ الحَلقَ إِلى داخِلي
حَتّى تَحَسّى دونَها الماءَ