
Time did not rightly shepherd the kin of Barmak,

ما رعى الدهر آل برمك حقا

1. Time did not rightly shepherd the kin of Barmak,
When it cast their kingdom into dire turmoil.

١. ما رَعى الدَهرُ آلَ بَرمَكَ حَقّاً
أَن رَمى مُلكَهُم بِأَمرٍ فَظيعِ

2. A time that tended no right for life to thrive
Except tending the reins of the house of Spring.

٢. إِنَّ دَهراً لَم يَرعَ حَقّاً لِيَحيى
غَيرُ راعٍ ذِمامَ آلِ الرَبيعِ