1. The perfume gave you its basil,
And your night was illuminated.
١. أَعطَتكَ رَيحانَها العُقارُ
وَكانَ مِن لَيلِكَ اِنسِفارُ
2. So enjoy it before the maidens arrive,
With no wine in it or veils.
٢. فَاِنعَم بِها قَبلَ رائِعاتٍ
لا خَمرَ فيها وَلا خُمارُ
3. And respect the cup away from the fool,
For its essence is dignity.
٣. وَوَقِّرِ الكَأسَ عَن سَفيهٍ
فَإِنَّ آيِينَها الوِقارُ
4. It was chosen while the stars stood still,
Unable to control its orbit.
٤. تِخُيِّرَت وَالنُجومُ وَقفٌ
لَم يَتَمَكَّن بِها المَدارُ
5. So the nights kept consuming
Its body without prevailing over it,
٥. فَلَم تَزَل تَأكُلُ اللَيالي
جُثمانَها ما بِها اِنتِصارُ
6. Until when every reviler died
And the secret and carpenter perished,
٦. حَتّى إِذا ماتَ كُلُّ ذامٍ
وَخُلِّصَ السِرُّ وَالنَجارُ
7. It returned to a subtle essence
Whose existence is hidden.
٧. عادَت إِلى جَوهَرٍ لَطيفٍ
عِيانُ مَوجودِهِ ضِمارُ
8. As if in its cup an illusion,
Imagined by the barren desert.
٨. كَأَنَّ في كَأسِها سَراباً
تُخيلُهُ المَهمَهُ القِفارُ
9. As if when it glows,
Had its color not turned yellow,
٩. كَأَنَّها ذاكَ حينَ تَزهى
لَو لَم يَشُب لَونَها اِصفِرارُ
10. The night does not descend where it settled,
For the night of its drinker is day.
١٠. لا يَنزِلُ اللَيلُ حَيثُ حَلَّت
فَلَيلُ شُرّابِها نَهارُ
11. That even if it kept secrets,
The secrets would not be concealed in its illumination.
١١. حَتّى لَوِ اِستودِعَت سِراراً
لَم يَخفَ في ضَوإِها السِرارُ
12. Intoxication did not overwhelm me, but
A glance from it dazzled me.
١٢. ما أَسكَرَتني الشَمولُ لَكِن
مُديرُ طَرفٍ بِهِ اِحوِرارُ