
Our neighbor does not know, nor is she aware,

لم تدر جارتنا ولا تدري

1. Our neighbor does not know, nor is she aware,
That blame only makes matters worse.

١. لَم تَدرِ جارَتُنا وَلا تَدري
أَنَّ المَلامَةَ إِنَّما تُغري

2. She rushed to blame you, unforgiving,
When the greatest excuse was clear to you.

٢. هَبَّت تَلومُكَ غَيرَ عاذِرَةٍ
وَلَقَد بَدا لَكَ أَوسَعُ العُذرِ

3. She shunned Egypt, though not far,
A land where Abu Nasr may settle.

٣. وَاِستَبعَدَت مِصراً وَما بَعُدَت
أَرضٌ يَحُلُّ بِها أَبو نَصرِ

4. I had hoped, through you, to attain comfort,
An alternative, if I wished, to Egypt.

٤. وَلَقَد وَصَلتُ بِكَ الرَجاءَ وَلي
مَندوحَةٌ لَو شِئتُ عَن مِصرِ

5. While kings compete for
Beautiful women and wine bearers,

٥. فيما تُنافِسُهُ المُلوكُ مِنَ ال
حورِ الحِسانِ وَعاتِقِ الخَمرِ

6. And storytellers whose anecdotes
Are scarce to me and lacking splendor.

٦. وَمُحَدِّثٍ كَثُرَت طَرائِفُهُ
عانٍ لَدَيَّ بِقِلَّةِ الوَفرِ

7. I do hope, O Khasib, that eternal
Prosperity comes by your hand.

٧. إِنّي لَآمَلُ يا خَصيبُ عَلى
يَدِكَ اليَسارَةَ آخِرَ الدَهرِ

8. Just as you are an excellent market for those
Whose poetry trade is obstructed.

٨. وَكَذاكَ نِعمَ السوقُ أَنتَ لِمَن
كَسَدَت عَلَيهِ تِجارَةُ الشِعرِ

9. You stand out on the day of their race,
For the steed runs according to its pedigree.

٩. أَنتَ المُبَرِّزُ يَومَ سَبقِهِمُ
إِنَّ الجَوادَ بِعُرفِهِ يَجري

10. The Caliph knew his blessing
Had settled in the abode of fragrant publishing.

١٠. عَلِمَ الخَليفَةُ أَنَّ نِعمَتَهُ
حَلَّت بِساحَةِ طَيِّبِ النَشرِ

11. When one like you takes charge of affairs,
Resolute and unifying commands, it suffices.

١١. كافٍ إِذا عَصَبَ الأُمورَ بِهِ
ماضي العَزيمَةِ جامِعُ الأَمرِ

12. So unsheathe your sword and dispel
The gloom that has come over my country, and have my gratitude.

١٢. فَاِنقَع بِسَيبِكَ غُلَّةً نَزَحَت
بي عَن بِلادي وَاِرتَهِن شُكري