1. Turn away from the ruined abode and from the passion
Of describing the dwellings and depicting the goblet of wine
١. اِعدِل عَنِ الطَلَلِ المُحيلِ وَعَن هَوى
نَعتِ الدِيارِ وَوَصفِ قَدحِ الأَزنُدِ
2. Leave the Bedouin and her woes behind
To one accustomed to misery, forlorn and dejected
٢. وَدَعِ العَريبَ وَخَلِّها مَعَ بُؤسِها
لِمُحارِفٍ أَلِفَ الشَقاءَ مُزَنَّدِ
3. And head for the banks of Euphrates, and give me
Before dawn, defying all the hostile and hateful
٣. وَاِقصِد إِلى شَطِّ الفُراتِ وَعاطِني
قَبلَ الصَباحِ وَعاصِ كُلَّ مُفَنَّدِ
4. A yellow one, telling of ripe dates in her palms
Bracelets of pearls scattered and disjoined
٤. صَفراءَ تَحكي التِبرَ في حافاتِها
عُقَدُ الحَبابِ كَلُؤلُؤٍ مُتَبَدِّدِ
5. I will drink despite the enviers with joy and mirth
The daughter of vineyards, despite the spites of the envious
٥. فَلَأَشرَبَنَّ بِطارِفٍ وَبِتالِدٍ
بِنتَ الكُرومِ بِرَغمِ أَنفِ الحُسَّدِ
6. Like a gazelle, with the clarity of a lovely face
Pale, averting the blackness of ugly sins
٦. كَرخِيَّةً كَصَفاءِ وَجهِ مَشوقَةٍ
مَرهاءَ تَرغَبُ عَن سَوادِ الإِثمِدِ
7. She glanced coyly, and between her lids
Were teardrops pouring or about to pour
٧. حَنَّت مُكاتَمَةً فَبَينَ جُفونِها
رَقراقُ دَمعٍ فاضَ أَو فَكَأَن قَدِ
8. Fearing they would flow, she raised her lids
So the tears were between descending and ascending
٨. وَتَخافُ تَهدُرُهُ فَتَرفَعُ جَفنَها
فَالدَمعُ بَينَ تَحَدُّرٍ وَتَصَعُّدِ