
I have abandoned the companion and the cups,

قد هجرت النديم والندمانا

1. I have abandoned the companion and the cups,
And enjoyed all that sufficed me for a time.

١. قَد هَجَرتُ النَديمَ وَالنُدمانا
وَتَمَتَّعتُ ما كَفاني زَمانا

2. And the Caliph of Allah willed for me nothing but
To tune my soul, so I have tuned for a while.

٢. وَأَبى لي خَليفَةُ اللَهِ إِلّا
عَزفَ نَفسي فَقَد عَزَفتُ أَوانا

3. And indeed long have I refused
In matters I let loose the reins.

٣. وَلَقَد طالَ ما أَبَيتُ عَلَيهِ
في أُمورٍ خَلَعتُ فيها العِنانا

4. And a gazelle I let roam free
Until there crumbled from it a cheek and a tongue.

٤. وَغَزالٍ عاطَيتُهُ الراحَ حَتّى
فَتَّرَت مِنهُ مُقلَةً وَلِسانا

5. It said, “Do not intoxicate me with my life,”
I said, “You must be seen drunk.”

٥. قالَ لا تُسكِرَنَّني بِحَياتي
قُلتُ لا بُدَّ أَن تُرى سَكرانا

6. I have a need of you when you sleep,
So fulfill it if you wish awake.

٦. إِنَّ لي حاجَةٌ إِلَيكَ إِذا نِم
تَ فَإِن شِئتَ فَاِقضِها يَقظانا

7. It leaned to and fro coyly,
Then listened to what I wanted, and so it was.

٧. فَتَلَكّا تَلَكِّياً في اِنخِناثٍ
ثُمَّ أَصغى لِما أَرَدتُ فَكانا