1. The traits of hopes are the eloquence of feet
So make your traits for the daughter of generosity
١. صِفَةُ الطُلولِ بَلاغَةُ القِدمِ
فَاِجعَل صِفاتَكَ لِاِبنَةِ الكَرمِ
2. Do not be deceived from the one who was made
The sickness of the healthy and the health of the sick
٢. لا تُخدَعَنَّ عَنِ الَّتي جُعِلَت
سُقمَ الصَحيحِ وَصِحَّةَ السُقمِ
3. And the soul's friend who was veiled
From your sights and the health of the body
٣. وَصَديقَةِ الروحِ الَّتي حُجِبَت
عَن ناظِرَيكَ وَقَيِّمِ الجِسمِ
4. Her generosity is not from what is disgraced and not
Her secrets were unveiled to the non-Arabs
٤. لا كَرمُها مِمّا يُذالُ وَلا
فُتِلَت مَرائِرُها عَلى عَجمِ
5. The fair one whom the kings preferred over
Her peers with the merit of antiquity
٥. صَهباءَ فَضَّلَها المُلوكُ عَلى
نُظَرائِها بِفَضيلَةِ القَدمِ
6. So when they whispered about her they were silent before her
The silence of the daughters fearing the mother
٦. فَإِذا أَطَفنَ بِها صَمَتنَ لَها
صَمتَ البَناتِ مَهابَةَ الأُمِّ
7. And when they cheered her for an event
They put her nickname before the name
٧. وَإِذا هَتَفنَ بِها لِنازِلَةٍ
قَدَّمنَ كُنيَتَها عَلى الإِسمِ
8. And when they wanted to converse with her
They made gentle what they had of wisdom
٨. وَإِذا أَرَدنَ لَها مُحاوَرَةً
رَوَّحنَ ما عَزَّبنَ مِن حِلمِ
9. She was inspired so she did above it layers
Arranged like the arrangement of prose
٩. شُجَّت فَعالَت فَوقَها حَبَباً
مُتَراصِفاً كَتَراصُفِ النَظمِ
10. Then it turned away from you from a creeping slowly
Hastening clouds ascended into high clouds
١٠. ثُمَّ اِنفَرَت لَكَ عَن مَدَبٍّ دَبّاً
عَجلانَ صَعَّدَ في ذُرا أُكمِ
11. As if its prey is followed by a star
Recurring in succession like stars
١١. فَكَأَنَّما يَتلو طَرائِدَها
نَجمٌ تَواتَرَ في قَفا نَجمِ
12. And as if the aftertaste of its flavor is patience
And over spontaneity the delight of taste
١٢. وَكَأَنَّ عُقبى طَعمِها صَبرٌ
وَعَلى البَديهَةِ مُزَّةُ الطَعمِ
13. She throws and aims at whoever she intended
The truer of steps, swift of arrow
١٣. تَرمي فَتَقصِدُ مَن لَهُ قَصَدَت
جَمَّ المِراحِ دَريرَةَ السَهمِ
14. So why are you confused about a shining one
And obsessed with ruins and drawings
١٤. فَعَلامَ تَذهَلُ عَن مُشَعشَعَةٍ
وَتَهيمُ في طَلَلٍ وَفي رَسمِ
15. You describe hopes through hearing about her
More eloquent than seeing as if you have knowledge
١٥. تَصِفُ الطُلولَ عَلى السَماعِ بِها
أَفَذو العِيانِ كَأَنتَ في العِلمِ
16. And if you describe something following
You will not lack errors and delusions
١٦. وَإِذا وَصَفتَ الشَيءَ مُتَّبِعاً
لَم تَخلُ مِن زَلَلٍ وَمِن وَهمِ