
He wandered, searching the abodes of fair maidens,

عوجا صدور النجائب البزل

1. He wandered, searching the abodes of fair maidens,
Asking after the location of the dwelling,

١. عوجا صُدورَ النَجائِبِ البُزَّل
فَسائِلا عَن قَطينَةِ المَنزِل

2. Why has he been left upon the plain?
Washed smooth above, rumpled below,

٢. ما بالُهُ بِالصَعيدِ مُتَّرَكاً
مَمحُوَّ الأَعلى مُغَربَلَ الأَسفَل

3. For the sake of a tender-hearted beloved who
Sometimes draws near and other times withdraws.

٣. لِمَرِّ حَنّانَةٍ تُلِمُّ بِهِ
تَجنُبُ طَوراً وَتارَةً تُشمِل

4. And every quarter shrinks its inhabitants,
Little by little, until they must depart.

٤. وَكُلُّ رَبعٍ يَخِفُّ ساكِنُهُ
عَمّا قَليلٍ لا بُدَّ أَن يَمحَل

5. Indeed my loved ones have departed from it
When they left, though we had no substitute for them.

٥. سارَ لَعَمري عَنهُ الأَحِبَّةُ إِذ
ساروا وَما عِندَنا لَهُم مَعدَل

6. Times when we reveled in bliss through it
As though we created beauty in every art -

٦. أَزمانَ إِذ نَغبِطُ النَعيمَ بِهِ
مِن كُلِّ فَنٍّ كَأَنَّنا نَختِل

7. In the intoxication of youth and blindness in which
We heard nothing but youth and were not rational,

٧. في سَكرَةٍ لِلصِبا وَعَمياءَ لا
نَسمَعُ غَيرَ الصَبا وَلا نَعقِل

8. Until when its blindness was uncovered
I gave comfort to my soul, though the blamer blamed.

٨. حَتّى إِذا ما اِنجَلَت عَمايَتُهُ
رَوَّحتُ نَفسي وَالعاذِلُ المُعمِل

9. A soul that was not blaming during its intoxication
Could find no comfort in one who blamed.

٩. وَالنَفسُ ما لَم تَكُن لِسَكرَتِها
عاذِلَةً لَم تَرُح إِلى عُذَّل

10. And of ambitions whose reward I risked
On the deceptive mirage of the agitated desert,

١٠. وَمَهمَهٍ جِزتُهُ مُخاطَرَةً
بِصَحصَحانِ السَرابِ قَد سُربِل

11. On a she-camel whose mother is the north wind, one who
Extends into lightning and does not falter,

١١. بِعِرمِسٍ أُمُّها الشَمالُ وَتَع
تَدُّ بِصِهرٍ في البَرقِ لا يَنكِل

12. And a doe sufficient for riding her
Is to stir the whip and say “Get up!”

١٢. وَجناءُ تَكفي بِالسَيرِ راكِبَها
تَحريكَ سَوطٍ وَقَولَهُ حَيهِل

13. She looks after a withered old man who preferred
As much of his money as he spent

١٣. تَأُمُّ قَرماً أَحَبَّ ما مَلَكَت
كَفّاهُ مِن مالِهِ الَّذي يَبذُل

14. O you who began though you were not asked,
You, though not asked, thus did act.

١٤. يا أَيُّها المُبتَدي وَلَم تُسأَل
أَنتَ وَلَمّا تَسَل كَذا تَفعَل

15. By God I swear, if I had asked you when
You owned nothing, you’d have given me to the sandal.

١٥. أَحلِفُ بِاللَهِ لَو سَأَلتُكَ ما
تَملِكُ أَعطَيتَني إِلى الجَندَل

16. Blessed is God, this is a generosity
That no other was given before or since.

١٦. تَبارَكَ اللَهُ إِنَّ ذا كَرَمٌ
لَم يُعطَهُ آخِرٌ وَلا أَوَّل

17. God has placed in the fingers of Abraham
Provision for the weak and downcast.

١٧. قَد جَعَلَ اللَهُ في أَنامِلِ إِب
راهيمَ رِزقَ الضَعيفِ وَالمُرمِل

18. So you see no era betrays him,
Except by the open-handedness of his palm they are tested.

١٨. فَما تَرى مَن يَخونُهُ زَمَنٌ
إِلّا عَلى جودِ كَفِّهِ يُحمَل

19. No beautiful person do we know
Whose slightest action is not most beautiful.

١٩. وَلا جَميلاً في الناسِ نَعلَمُهُ
إِلّا وَأَدنى فِعالَهُ أَجمَل

20. O you who expose stinginess, you have left no youth
Called generous, except that he is shamed.

٢٠. يا فاضِحَ البُخلِ ما تَرَكتَ فَتىً
يُدعى جَواداً إِلّا وَقَد بُجِّل