
O you who praises evil people

يا مادح القوم اللئام

1. O you who praises evil people
And seeks provision from the miserly

١. يا مادِحَ القَومِ اللِئا
مِ وَطالِباً رِفدَ الشِحاحِ

2. Occupy your poetry with forgetfulness
And with jest and fun

٢. أَشغِل قَريضَكَ بِالنَسي
بِ وَبِالفُكاهَةِ وَالمُزاحِ

3. New faces have appeared that do not feel
Anything but the tips of spears

٣. حَدَثَت وُجوهٌ لَيسَ تَأ
لَمُ غَيرَ أَطرافِ الرِماحِ

4. And I refrain from people whose water
Can only be obtained through purchase

٤. وَأَكُفُّ قَومٍ لَيسَ يُن
بِطُ مائَها إِلّا المَساحي

5. Whatever wealth you want protected
Finds refuge in freely offered honor

٥. ما شِئتَ مِن مالٍ حِمىً
يَأوي إِلى عِرضٍ مُباحِ