1. Perhaps I'll go out with my dog
Seeking game with my companion
١. رُبَّما أَغدو مَعي كَلبي
طالِباً لِلصَيدِ في صَحبي
2. So we headed for the rough ground with him
And set him on a gazelle
٢. فَسَمَونا لِلحَزيزِ بِهِ
فَدَفَعناهُ عَلى أَظبِ
3. She circled around so he circled her
Pawing the ground on both sides
٣. فَاستَدَرَّتهُ فَدَرَّ لَها
يَلطِمُ الرِفقَينِ بِالتُربِ
4. He harried her while she was distracted
In the sands of dawn and dusk
٤. فَادَّراها وَهيَ لاهِيَةٌ
في جَميمِ الخاذِ وَالغَربِ
5. Her companions fled like
Two intertwined cables undone
٥. فَفَرى جَمّاعُهُنَّ كَما
قُدَّ مَخلولانِ مِن عُصبِ
6. Except for a little doe that lingered
With her heart pounding in her chest
٦. غَيرَ يَعفورٍ أَهابَ بِهِ
جابَ دَفَّيهِ عَنِ القَلبِ
7. He held his jaws together on her throat
As you would clasp your hands together
٧. ضَمَّ لَحيَيهِ بِمِخطَمِهِ
ضَمُّكَ الكَسرَينِ بِالشَعَبِ
8. And it ended with her collapse just as
A flame is extinguished by the wind
٨. وَانتَهى لِلباهِياتِ كَما
كُسِرَت فَتخاءُ مِن لَهَبِ
9. The billy goat approached when she fell
And drew near in wonder
٩. فَتَعايا التَيسُ حينَ كَبا
وَدَنا فوهُ مِنَ العَجبِ
10. Remaining by the fallen doe, annoyed
By her burden across his shoulders
١٠. ظَلَّ بِالوَعساءِ يُنغِصُهُ
أَزَماً مِنهُ عَلى الصُلبِ
11. Those were my pleasures when I was a youth
Never tiring of such delights
١١. تِلكَ لَذّاتي وَكُنتُ فَتىً
لَم أَقُل مِن لِذَّةٍ حَسَبي