
O people, come to al-Karkh

ألا قوموا إلى الكرخ

1. O people, come to al-Karkh
To the abode of the wine-seller

١. أَلا قوموا إِلى الكَرخِ
إِلى مَنزِلِ خَمّارِ

2. To the blond like musk
Near the shop of the perfumer

٢. إِلى صَهباءَ كَالمِسكِ
لَدى جَونَةِ عَطّارِ

3. It has a river in its orchard
Near palm trees and trees

٣. وَبُستانٍ لَهُ نَهرٌ
لَدى نَخلٍ وَأَشجارِ

4. I will feed you there meat
Of wildlife and birds

٤. فَأُطعِمُكُم بِهِ لَحماً
مِنَ الوَحشِ وَأَطيارِ

5. And if you wish for entertainment
We will bring you musicians

٥. فَإِن أَحبَبتُمُ لَهواً
أَتَيناكُم بِزَمّارِ

6. And if you wish for connection

٦. وَإِن أَحبَبتُمُ وَصلاً
فَهَذي رَبَّةُ الدارِ