
Do not despair of people,

عليك باليأس من الناس

1. Do not despair of people,
Though wealth may make you despair.

١. عَلَيكَ بِاليَأسِ مِنَ الناسِ
إِنَّ الغِنى وَيحَكَ في الياسِ

2. How many a friend was sincere to me,
When he was in a state of poverty.

٢. كَم صاحِبٍ قَد كانَ لي وامِقاً
إِذ كانَ في حالاتِ إِفلاسِ

3. I say, if only he had attained this wealth,
He would have honored me and held me above all.

٣. أَقولُ لَو قَد نالَ هَذا الغِنى
أَقعَدَني حُبّاً عَلى الراسِ

4. Until when he attained what he desired,
And people counted him among the eminent,

٤. حَتّى إِذا صارَ إِلى ما اِشتَهى
وَعَدَّهُ الناسُ مِنَ الناسِ

5. He cut off his ties of affection from me,
And was not content with just separation.

٥. قَطَّعَ بِالقِنطيرِ حَبلَ الصَفا
مِنّي وَلَمّا يَرضَ بِالفاسِ