
When the fox emerged from his lair

لما غدا الثعلب من وجاره

1. When the fox emerged from his lair
Seeking sustenance for his cubs

١. لَمّا غَدا الثَعلَبُ مِن وِجارِهِ
يَلتَمِسُ الكَسبَ عَلى صِغارِهِ

2. The hyena stirred up from his den
I confronted him in his habit of choice

٢. جَذلانَ قَد هَيَّجَ مِن دُوّارِهِ
عارَضتُهُ في سَنَنِ اِمتِيارِهِ

3. With a young hound frolicking in his courtyard
With a yellow ring around his neck and on his forearms

٣. بِضَرِمٍ يَمرَحُ في شِوارِهِ
في الحَلَقِ الصُفرِ وَفي أَسيارِهِ

4. Inflamed in his chest from his wrath
Carving warnings from his claws

٤. مُضطَرِمَ القُصرى مِنَ اِضطِمارِهِ
قَد نَحَتَ التَلويحُ مِن أَقطارِهِ

5. After he had been close to his burrow
His coat plucked by the thorns of his domain

٥. مِن بَعدِ ما كانَ إِلى أَصبارِهِ
غَضّاً كَسَتهُ الخورُ مِن عِشارِهِ

6. Days when he could not be restrained from his prey
While he was a worn out fox not nearing his prime

٦. أَيّامَ لا يُحبَسُ مِن عِثارِهِ
وَهوَ طَلىً لَم يَدنُ مِن شِفارِهِ

7. In a dwelling screening him from visitors
Where he spends both sides of his day

٧. في مَنزِلٍ يَحجُبُ عَن زُوّارِهِ
يُساسُ فيهِ طَرَفَي نَهارِهِ

8. Until when he excelled in his selection
And picked his prey like a fresh heart

٨. حَتّى إِذا أَحمَدَ في اِبتِيارِهِ
وَآضَ مِثلَ القُلبِ مِن نُضارِهِ

9. It was as if he was estranged from his companions
Bringing his drops together from his concealment

٩. كَأَنَّما قُرِّبَ مِن هِجارِهِ
يَجمَعُ قُطرَيهِ مِنَ اِنضِمارِهِ

10. If he pounced, it would be into his prey
Ten, if destined by his capability

١٠. وَإِن تَمَطّى تَمَّ في أَشبارِهِ
عَشرٌ إِذا قُدِّرَ في اِقتِدارِهِ

11. It was as if his jaws upon his attack
Were pegs upon his head

١١. كَأَنَّ لَحيَيهِ لَدى اِفتِرارِهِ
شَكَّ مَسامِرٍ عَلى طِوارِهِ

12. As if behind where his lips met
Were embers he stirred up in his borrowing

١٢. كَأَنَّ خَلفَ مُلتَقى أَشفارِهِ
جَمرَ غَضىً يُدمِنُ في اِستِعارِهِ

13. A hearing that if given relief would not be confused
Unless released from its deafness

١٣. سِمعٌ إِذا اِستَروَحَ لَم تُمارِهِ
إِلّا بِأَن يُطلَقَ مِن عِذارِهِ

14. So he inclined like a planet in its descent
He turned the advisor spineless with his fire

١٤. فَاِنصاعَ كَالكَوكَبِ في اِنحِدارِهِ
لَفتَ المُشيرِ مَوهِناً بِنارِهِ

15. Until when he pounced in his advance
He tore his ears with the tips of his claws

١٥. حَتّى إِذا أَخصَفَ في إِحضارِهِ
خَرَّقَ أُذنَيهِ شَبا أَظفارِهِ

16. Until when he pounced in his dust
The gallant one churned him in his soil

١٦. حَتّى إِذا ما اِنشامَ في غُبارِهِ
عافَرَهُ أَخرَقُ في عِفارِهِ

17. So his joints were disjointed from his spine
And he shook off both his shoulders

١٧. فَتَلتَلَ المِفصَلَ مِن فِقارِهِ
وَقَدَّ عَنهُ جانِبَي صِدارِهِ

18. No good in the fox and his schemes
No good in the fox and his schemes

١٨. لا خَيرَ في الثَعلَبِ في اِبتِكارِهِ
لا خَيرَ في الثَعلَبِ في اِبتِكارِهِم