
For whom is an abandoned, dilapidated abode

ู„ู…ู† ุทู„ู„ ุนุงุฑูŠ ุงู„ู…ุญู„ ุฏููŠู†

1. For whom is an abandoned, dilapidated abode
Its traces obliterated, save those of Khawlid's tribe

ูก. ู„ูู…ูŽู† ุทูŽู„ูŽู„ูŒ ุนุงุฑูŠ ุงู„ู…ูŽุญูŽู„ู‘ูŽ ุฏูŽููŠู†ู
ุนูŽูุง ุขูŠูู‡ู ุฅูู„ู‘ุง ุฎูŽูˆุงู„ูุฏู ุฌูˆู†ู

2. As doves gathered together for the night
Strangers at dusk, having no permanent nest

ูข. ูƒูŽู…ุง ุงูู‚ุชูŽุฑูŽู†ูŽุช ุนูู†ุฏูŽ ุงู„ู…ูŽุจูŠุชู ุญูŽู…ุงุฆูู…ูŒ
ุบูŽุฑูŠุจุงุชู ู…ูู…ุณู‰ู‹ ู…ุง ู„ูŽู‡ูู†ู‘ูŽ ูˆููƒูˆู†ู

3. The abode whose surroundings once yielded pleasure
Now touching it is soft, tasting it sweet

ูฃ. ุฏููŠุงุฑู ุงู„ู‘ูŽุชูŠ ุฃูŽู…ู‘ุง ุฌูŽู†ู‰ ุฑูŽุดูŽูุงุชูู‡ุง
ููŽูŠูŽุญู„ูˆ ูˆูŽุฃูŽู…ู‘ุง ู…ูŽุณู‘ูู‡ุง ููŽูŠูŽู„ูŠู†ู

4. While pallor has not favored my complexion
Hers remains flawless and unblemished

ูค. ูˆูŽู…ุง ุฃูŽู†ุตูŽููŽุช ุฃูŽู…ู‘ุง ุงู„ุดูุญูˆุจู ููŽุจูŽูŠู‘ูู†ูŒ
ุจููˆูŽุฌู‡ูŠ ูˆูŽุฃูŽู…ู‘ุง ูˆูŽุฌู‡ูู‡ุง ููŽู…ูŽุตูˆู†ู

5. With a resonance for the wind among its rooms
Its languages have ambiguous and explicit subtleties

ูฅ. ูˆูŽุฏูŽูˆู‘ููŠู‘ูŽุฉู ู„ูู„ุฑูŠุญู ุจูŽูŠู†ูŽ ููุฑูˆุฌูู‡ุง
ููู†ูˆู†ู ู„ูุบุงุชู ู…ูุดูƒูู„ูŒ ูˆูŽู…ูุจูŠู†ู

6. I pelted her with pebbles until she unveiled
Her gazing eyes and hidden forms withdrew

ูฆ. ุฑูŽู…ูŽูŠุชู ุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ุนูŠุฏููŠู‘ู ุญูŽุชู‘ู‰ ุชูŽุญูŽุฌู‘ูŽู„ูŽุช
ู†ูŽูˆุงุธูุฑู ู…ูู†ู‡ุง ูˆูŽุงู†ุทูŽูˆูŽูŠู†ูŽ ุจูุทูˆู†ู

7. And one who swore by the winds, I bid good morning
For oaths like those are without substance

ูง. ูˆูŽุฐูŠ ุญูู„ููู ุจูุงู„ุฑุงุญู ู‚ูู„ุชู ู„ูŽู‡ู ุงุตุทูŽุจูุญ
ููŽู„ูŽูŠุณูŽ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุฃูŽู…ุซุงู„ู ุชูู„ูƒูŽ ูŠูŽู…ูŠู†ู

8. It encompassed decrepitude, so time has brought
Years of lowliness and years of loftiness

ูจ. ุดูู…ูˆู„ุงู‹ ุชูŽุฎูŽุทู‘ูŽุชู‡ุง ุงู„ู…ูŽู†ูˆู†ู ููŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฃูŽุชูŽุช
ุณูู†ูˆู†ูŒ ู„ูŽู‡ุง ููŠ ุฏูŽู†ู‘ูู‡ุง ูˆูŽุณูู†ูˆู†ู

9. Inherited from people by people who decayed
Then inherited by their children's children

ูฉ. ุชูุฑุงุซู ุฃูู†ุงุณู ุนูŽู† ุฃูู†ุงุณู ุชูุฎูŽุฑู‘ูŽู…ูˆุง
ุชูŽูˆุงุฑูŽุซูŽู‡ุง ุจูŽุนุฏูŽ ุงู„ุจูŽู†ูŠู†ู ุจูŽู†ูˆู†ู

10. Those who passed attained from it excitement
Agitation at times, and tranquility at others

ูกู . ููŽุฃูŽุฏุฑูŽูƒูŽ ู…ูู†ู‡ุง ุงู„ุบุงุจูุฑูˆู†ูŽ ุญูุดุงุดูŽุฉู‹
ู„ูŽู‡ุง ู‡ูŽูŠูŽุฌุงู†ูŒ ู…ูŽุฑู‘ูŽุฉู‹ ูˆูŽุณููƒูˆู†ู

11. As if lines above in Persian
Nearly legible, though ages have elapsed

ูกูก. ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุณูุทูˆุฑุงู‹ ููŽูˆู‚ูŽู‡ุง ูุงุฑูุณููŠู‘ูŽุฉู‹
ุชูŽูƒุงุฏู ูˆูŽุฅูู† ุทุงู„ูŽ ุงู„ุฒูŽู…ุงู†ู ุชูŽุจูŠู†ู

12. Near a narcissus blossom plucked early
As if, when eyes look upon it, it has eyes

ูกูข. ู„ูŽุฏู‰ ู†ูŽุฑุฌูุณู ุบูŽุถู‘ู ุงู„ู‚ูุทุงูู ูƒูŽุฃูŽู†ู‘ูŽู‡ู
ุฅูุฐุง ู…ุง ู…ูŽู†ูŽุญู†ุงู‡ู ุงู„ุนููŠูˆู†ูŽ ุนููŠูˆู†ู

13. Differing in their hues โ€“ yellowness
In place of black, while the whites are petals

ูกูฃ. ู…ูุฎุงู„ูููŽุฉู ููŠ ุดูŽูƒู„ูู‡ูู†ู‘ูŽ ููŽุตูŽูุฑูŽุฉูŒ
ู…ูŽูƒุงู†ู ุณูŽูˆุงุฏู ูˆูŽุงู„ุจูŽูŠุงุถู ุฌูููˆู†ู

14. When she saw my portrayal, she shuddered and recalled me
I said, โ€œAn intimate friend is rare, then commonโ€

ูกูค. ููŽู„ูŽู…ู‘ุง ุฑูŽุฃู‰ ู†ูŽุนุชูŠ ุงุฑุนูŽูˆู‰ ูˆูŽุงุณุชูŽุนุงุฏูŽู†ูŠ
ููŽู‚ูู„ุชู ุฎูŽู„ูŠู„ูŒ ุนูŽุฒู‘ูŽ ุซูู…ู‘ูŽ ูŠูŽู‡ูˆู†ู

15. She confirmed my opinion โ€“ may Allah confirm hers
When she expects good, for expectations are diverse skills

ูกูฅ. ููŽุตูŽุฏู‘ูŽู‚ูŽ ุธูŽู†ู‘ูŠ ุตูŽุฏู‘ูŽู‚ูŽ ุงู„ู„ูŽู‡ู ุธูŽู†ู‘ูู‡ู
ุฅูุฐุง ุธูŽู†ู‘ูŽ ุฎูŽูŠุฑุงู‹ ูˆูŽุงู„ุธูู†ูˆู†ู ููู†ูˆู†ู