1. Is it true that you will never see me again
While I will never see you?
١. أَحَقّاً مِنكَ أَنَّكَ لَن تَراني
عَلى حالٍ وَأَنّي لَن أَراكا
2. That you are absent in the depth of a grave
And never again will I see your stature?
٢. وَأَنَّكَ غائِبٌ في قَعرِ لَحدٍ
وَما قَد كُنتَ تَعلوهُ عَلاكا
3. So I did not laugh when you were taken from me
Nor did the tears of those who bid you farewell flow
٣. فَلا ضَحِكَت وَقَد غُيِّبتَ عَنّي
وَلا رَقَأَت مَدامِعُ مَن سَلاكا