1. With my own self, I became obedient to his hands,
I showed him my affection, so I became weak to him,
١. بِنَفسِيَ مَن أَمسَيتُ طَوعَ يَدَيهِ
أَبَنتُ لَهُ وُدّي فَهُنتُ عَلَيهِ
2. If he comes with a sin, he doesn't seek to be saved from it,
And if I sin, I apologize to him,
٢. إِذا جاءَ ذَنباً لَم يَرُم مِنهُ مَخلَصاً
وَإِن أَنا أَذنَبتُ اعتَذَرتُ إِلَيهِ
3. His punishment to me is forgiveness whenever
He does wrong and my sin cannot be mentioned to him
٣. عُقوبَتُهُ عِندي هِيَ الصَفحُ كُلَّما
أَساءَ وَذَنبي لا يُقالُ لَدَيهِ
4. And even if I exposed myself to passion
Like one who searches for his ruin with his own hands
٤. وَإِنّي وَإِن عَرَّضتُ نَفسِيَ لِلهَوى
كَمُبتَحِثٍ عَن حَتفِهِ بِيَدَيهِ