1. I see myself alive amongst the living, though
Most of me is dead, worn by the passage of time.
١. أَراني مَعَ الأَحياءِ حَيّاً وَأَكثَري
عَلى الدَهرِ مَيتٌ قَد تَخَرَّمَهُ الدَهرُ
2. So whatever part of me did not die with what died
Becomes a grave for the other, not in the earth's soil.
٢. فَما لَم يَمُت مِنّي بِما ماتَ ناهِضٌ
فَبَعضي لِبَعضي دونَ قَبرِ البِلى قَبرُ
3. My Lord, You were gracious in Your giving and renewing,
Yet gratitude did not rise for Your kindness.
٣. فَيا رَبَّ قَد أَحسَنتَ عَوداً وَبِدأَةً
إِلَيَّ فَلَم يَنهَض بِإِحسانِكَ الشُكرُ
4. Whoever has an excuse or plea before You,
Then my excuse is confessing I have no excuse.
٤. فَمَن كانَ ذا عُذرٍ لَدَيكَ وَحُجَّةٍ
فَعُذرِيَ إِقراري بِأَن لَيسَ لي عُذرُ