
I came in the evening to a Christian's house

وأحور ذمي طرقت فنائه

1. I came in the evening to a Christian's house
With honest youths, you'd not see among them a stranger

١. وَأَحوَرَ ذِمِّيٍّ طَرَقتُ فِنائَهُ
بِفِتيانِ صِدقٍ ما تَرى مِنهُمُ نُكرا

2. When we knocked on his door, he got up frightened
And rushed to the door, filled with fear

٢. فَلَمّا قَرَعنا بابَهُ هَبَّ خائِفاً
وَبادَرَ نَحوَ البابِ مُمتَلِئً ذُعرا

3. And said, "Who is knocking at our door at night?"
I said to him, "Open up, youths seeking wine."

٣. وَقالَ مَنِ الطُرّاقِ لَيلاً فِناءَنا
فَقُلتُ لَهُ افتَح فِتيَةٌ طَلَبوا خَمرا

4. He opened his doors without hesitation
And brought out a moon-like beauty from his rooms

٤. فَأَطلَقَ عَن أَبوابِهِ غَيرَ هائِبٍ
وَأَطلَعَ مِن أَزرارِهِ قَمَراً بَدرا

5. She walked ahead of the men, dragging her skirt
Swaying her hips gracefully as she walked

٥. وَمَرَّ أَمامَ القَومِ يَسحَبُ ذَيلَهُ
يُجاذِبُ مِنهُ الرِدفَ في مَشيِهِ الخَصرا

6. I asked her, "What's your name, beauty?" She said to me
"My father called me Saba and nicknamed me Shamra."

٦. فَقُلتُ لَهُ ما الإِسمُ حُيِّيتَ قالَ لي
دَعاني أَبي سابا وَلَقَّبَني شَمرا

7. We almost swooned from the sweetness of her voice
And could not show patience for her speech

٧. فَكِدنا جَميعاً مِن حَلاوَةِ لَفظِهِ
نُجَنُّ وَلَم نَسطِع لِمَنطِقِهِ صَبرا

8. I said to her, "We've come to buy mature coffee
That's been sitting for ages and run out of stock."

٨. فَقُلتُ لَهُ جِئناكَ نَبتاعُ قَهوَةً
مُعَتَّقَةً قَد أَنفَدَت قِدَماً دَهرا

9. She said, "Stay with me, I have what you're looking for
It's been hiding in its pot for ten years."

٩. فَقالَ اربِعوا عِندي الَّتي تَطلِبونَها
قَدِ احتَجَبَت في خِدرِها حِقَباً عَشرا

10. I said, "What's her price?" She said, "Her price
Is five gold coins I poured out for her."

١٠. فَقُلتُ فَماذا مَهرُها قالَ مَهرُها
إِلَيكَ فَسُقنا نَحوَهُ خَمسَةً صُفرا

11. I said to her, "Take it and bring out her container."
He got up happily and brought it out to us.

١١. فَقُلتُ لَهُ خُذها وَهاتِ نُعاطِها
فَقامَ إِلَيها قَد تَمَلّى بِنا بِشرا

12. It shone as if filled with a cure for him
Flowing like the full moon in its luster

١٢. فَشَكَّ بِإِشفاءٍ لَهُ بَطنَ مُسنَدٍ
فَسالَت تُحاكي في تَلَألُؤِها البَدرا

13. And he brought it while the night draped its darkness
Covering it, as if it had just been filled.

١٣. وَجاءَ بِها وَاللَيلُ مُلقٍ سُدولَهُ
مُدِلّاً بِأَن وافى مُحيطاً بِها خُبرا

14. A beauty of the pot, pleased by the pot, pressed early,
She became its heart and it became her chest.

١٤. رَبيبَةُ خِدرٍ راضَها الخِدرُ أَعصُراً
فَكانَت لَهُ قَلباً وَكانَ لَها صَدرا

15. When the cup takes her, she almost flies with its scent,
Though no scent comes from her, you'd think it did.

١٥. إِذا أَخَذَتها الكَأسُ كادَت بِريحِها
تَخالُ بِها عِطراً وَما إِن تَرى عِطرا

16. He kept serving us as he drank on steadily
Until he sang tipsily as drunkenness took him over.

١٦. وَمازالَ يَسقينا وَيَشرَبُ دائِباً
إِلى أَن تَغَنّى حينَ مالَت بِهِ سُكرا

17. No doe, grazing the grass of a meadow, is as beautiful
As he who rose unsteadily, plucking green leaves.

١٧. فَما ظَبيَةٌ تَرعى مَساقِطَ رَوضَةٍ
كَسا الواكِفُ الغادي لَها وَرَقاً خُضرا

18. He adorned himself, reporting gracefully,
No, the doe took after his neck and chest in beauty.

١٨. بِأَحسَنَ مِنهُ مَنظَراً زانَ مُخبِراً
بَلِ الظَبيُ مِنهُ شابَهَ الجيدَ وَالنَحرا

19. O, his sweet voice, emerging from his tongue,
O, his sweet glance, O, his sweet lips!

١٩. فَيا حُسنَهُ لَحناً بَدا مِن لِسانِهِ
وَيا حُسنَهُ لَحظاً وَيا حُسنَهُ ثَغرا

20. He fell asleep, not knowing if the ground was his pillow
Or he saw open ground and took it for a pillow, drunk.

٢٠. وَنامَ وَمايَدري أَأَرضٌ وِسادُهُ
تَوَسَّدَ سُكراً أَم وِساداً رَأى جَهرا

21. We got up when he fell asleep and his eyelids
Fluttered over his eyes as he slumbered deeply.

٢١. فَقُمنا إِلَيهِ حينَ نامَ وَأُرعِدَت
فَرائِصُهُ تَجري بِميدانِهِ ضَمرا

22. When he saw no escape from this, and softness met him,
He generously pressed wine for us.

٢٢. فَلَمّا رَأى أَن لَيسَ عَن ذاكَ مَخلَصٌ
وَوافَقَهُ لينٌ أَجادَ لَنا العَصرا