
Blame me not for revelry in wine

عاذلي في المدام غير نصيح

1. Blame me not for revelry in wine
Reproach me not for the soul's twin that enticed me

١. عاذِلي في المُدامِ غَيرَ نَصيحِ
لا تَلُمني عَلى شَقيقَةِ روحي

2. Blame me not for she who led me astray
And made ugly seem fair, not ugly

٢. لا تَلُمني عَلى الَّتي فَتَنَتني
وَأَرَتني القَبيحَ غَيرَ قَبيحِ

3. A coffee that makes the healthy sick
And mocks the sick with garb of the healthy

٣. قَهوَةٌ تَترُكُ الصَحيحَ سَقيماً
وَتُعيرُ السَقيمَ ثَوبَ الصَحيحِ

4. My spending on her is spending of generosity
And my keeping her is keeping of the stingy

٤. إِنَّ بَذلي لَها لَبَذلُ جَوادٍ
وَاِقتِنائي لَها اِقتِنَاءُ شَحيحِ
