
Who could bear being bereft of your love?

من يك من حبيك خلوا فما

1. Who could bear being bereft of your love?
Though I publicly deny it, in private I languish without you.

١. مَن يَكُ مِن حُبَّيكِ خِلواً فَما
أَصبَحتُ مِن حُبَّيكِ بِالخِلوِ

2. The confectioner says as he claps his hands,
"Who will buy something sweet from one who is sweet?"

٢. يَقولُ وَالناطِفُ في كَفِّهِ
مَن يَشتَري الحُلوَ مِنَ الحُلوِ

3. So I told him with a wink that I desired none,
And hurried quickly by, before he could offer me any.

٣. فَقُلتُ بِعني مِنهُ ما أَشتَهي
فَمَرَّ عَجلانَ وَلَم يَلوِ